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>> No.21750273 [View]
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Sounds about right

>> No.21058870 [View]
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One on calcification of the Pineal gland

>> No.20287084 [View]
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Don't want to start a new thread but if anyone with a hoopla account (my library doesn't support it) could get this and remove the DRM and upload it that'd be great


>> No.19226854 [View]
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>Recommend me some literature about the corrupt banking system, and how it's essentially a house of cards doomed to collapse as soon as banks stop giving out loans.
You probably want Matt Taibbi on HSBC or something but noting interesting is going to start in the banking sector (in developed countries with deposit insurance anways) but the next giga-WTF moment will come from crypto scams and if the government is going to bailout retards when Tether loses control of their peg or something gives over the next decade

>> No.16382069 [View]
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Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet

>> No.15860294 [View]
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If all opinions really matter why is see engaging in polemics like
>"a proud anti-Semite who believes in lizard Illuminati. "
Instead of someone really interested in getting more diverse opinions out there she really is just coming across as an upset privileged jew

>> No.15160662 [View]
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Peter Dale Scott

>> No.13665666 [View]
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>Henry Makow
How many water filters does your friend own?

>> No.13622203 [View]
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The nuclear family is literally the bourgeois ideal. Right wing politicians aren't trying desperately to promote it just out of neuroticism. The entire notion presupposes the hegemony of the bourgeoisie. Notice the empirical growth of infantile genital sexuality amongst adults during the entire social devolution unfolding rooted in the historical contraction of capitalism beginning in 1971 and accelerating after the collapse of lehman brothers in 2008. Marx never claimed anywhere polymorphic perversion would become the sexual reality prefiguring socialism but from an empirical perspective something's going on.

>> No.13607074 [View]
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If you're looking for a general "sociological" framework to pigeonhole everything into I don't think you're going to find anything that'll satisfy you. Your best bet is to just go to the primary sources (you can find archives online for most old journals) and look at what the journals of opinon of the day were saying over time about things.

Some works:
Walter Lippmann and the American century
Running Commentary: The Contentious Magazine That Transformed the Jewish Left Into the Neoconservative Right

Bernays was Freudian, his writings are quaint nonsense

>> No.13427882 [View]
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comes off as a shabbos goy whenever goes up against anyone woke

>> No.13084952 [View]
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This is a very wrong reading of history. I don't like the term "neoliberalism" but if it is to be used it really emerges from strategic thinking at the RAND corporation in the late 1940s which allowed a set theoretic reformulation of liberalism which really has little to do with the calculus of neoclassical economics. With cybernetics, game theory and all that you get the logic for the transformation of, to use Marxist terminology, the entire base of global society.


You don't seem to understand terms. "Neoliberalism" is an economic policy of deregulation and marketization. "Neoconservatism" is support for an aggressive pro-American foreign policy that originated with ex-Trotskyites and Henry Jackson democrats.

>> No.12960985 [View]
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>i like the theory he wrote the Beatles songs
a '''theory''' tends to have some grounding in reality otherwise the timecube guy is just another '''theorist''' amongst many

>arguing in bad faith
maybe you are? invoking a secret objective (unless you're claiming they were also "'unconscious"' of their own true objective) doesn't seem like something people tend to successfully hide behind a comically diabolically complex life long corpus... it's takes good faith to take arguments at face value

>> No.12633906 [View]
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I'm pretty sure Jung flipped on that, he actually really did initially believe in nuts and bolts UFOs at first.
Jacques Vallée is interesting anyways from that line of thougth.

>> No.12369066 [View]
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Having your brainwaves recorded by government satellites without your knowledge

>> No.12251432 [View]
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None because they're secret. There's a lot of conspiracy lore written by lunatics who think every major historical event ever has been planned by secret shadow forces (be it Jews, Masons, etc) but none of it's really any good except for a laugh. A lot of people for some reason, based on untrustworthy secondary sources, seem to think the Illuminati is especially responsible for everything wrong but all the good academic works on it are in German.


>> No.12203977 [View]
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David McGowans research also came to the conclusion that the moon landing was a hoax


>> No.12200476 [View]
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If investors are so retarded they can't preform assessments to see that "quasi-socialist economical policy" are bad then they should lose everything... if you actually want to understand the actual '''actors''' behind the 80s debt crises in mexico, turkey, poland, argentenia read R.T. Naylor's Hot Money and the Politics of Debt.

>> No.12004151 [View]
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I'm >>12004084 and you should get a better grasp of historical methodology. When you're dealing with "conspiracy theories" they tend to take on the form of an almost schizophrenic "academic" look at the specifics of the case which can always be made to tie up to prove that X [be it the Jews or whomever] are behind the problem and also point out many things attributed to killers/phenomena are "impossible" whereas with a structuralism (in various forms be it Marxism or some form of liberalism) you don't necessarily have to ever look at the specifics of the case since you know what's the problem because it's structural to the system e.g. regulations, the capitalist cycle, perhaps even "psychological types", etc are always the cause of the fault. Quigley was more of a structuralist than a conspiracy theorist, in the Alex Jones sense, and didn't see the specifics as necessarily even being that important which is why there's so little in the work that really even deals with that aspect [conspiracytards only ever cite like a couple paragraphs from the thousands of pages]. Most conspiracy theorists today tend to be right-wing nuts so they are always looking only at the CFR, Ford Foundation, Trilateral Commission, etc so they never even see other networks influencing public policy which are even much more powerful and actually really secret and there doesn't exist hundreds of books and websites about them.

>> No.11911448 [View]
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>In 1967, Richard Nixon was a guest of honor at the grand opening of the hotel and casino on Paradise Island. Shortly afterward, Mary Carter changed its name to Resorts Interna- tional. A credit agreement of $5.5 million was arranged with Chase Manhattan Bank, which also became the transfer agent for Class A and B common stock. 1 Chase also held the mortgage on the Island Hotel Co., Ltd., a Resorts subsidiary operating the hotel. Another Resorts backer was Investors Overseas Services (IOS), a Geneva-based financial empire which has been accused of concealing the true identity of its investors to protect Mob figures. The use of Swiss bank ac- counts was another topic Morgenthau was investigating when Nixon had him removed. The investigation did not continue. During the summer of 1968, Nixon took a cruise on Resorts' yacht and the same boat was once again placed at his disposal during the Republican Convention.
>From all indications, the real guiding force behind Mary Carter Paint Co. and Resorts International is Meyer Lansky. Previous to the Bahamas deal, Mary Carter had been involved with Al Malnik, one of Lansky's attorneys. The people brought in to manage the Paradise Island hotel and casino were all Lansky associates with records dating back to the 1920's and 1930's. For instance, the casino was put under the super- vision of Ed Cellini, who had worked for Lansky over many years in other gambling operations.

Interestingly none other than Donald Trump ended up becoming CEO of Resorts International with all the ties to mob and other underworld networks. Remember during the Nixon administration right-wing lunatics and elements in the military establishment seriously thougth Kissinger was a Soviet mole and elements were spying on both of them:

Check out the book "Nixon’s Back Channel to Moscow: Confidential Diplomacy and Détente" on this

Also Peter Dale Scott's essay "The Fates of American Presidents Who Challenged the Deep State (1963-1980)" is interesting:

>> No.11147309 [View]
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invest in gold

>> No.10658122 [View]
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So? Do you feel your experience is being made any worse? Noting wrong per se with having a hyperactive imagination

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