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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21455016 [View]
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>WASP literature
>Catholic literature

Ignatius Press wins again

>> No.21421059 [View]
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Catholic authors
>Gene Wolfe
>G K Chesterton
>Stephen Lawhead
>JRR Tolkien
Pr*testoid authors
>Michael Moorcock
>Oliver Cromwell
>Joel Osteen

>> No.18338441 [View]
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>> No.17868801 [View]
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>bullied for being an atheist
holy based where can I meet these bullies
also Barsoom is pretty kino but you need to remember that Dejah Thoris doesn't actually have huge boobs, she has like a c-cup at most, Thuvia is the one who's actually stacked

>> No.15915577 [View]
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>non scit

>> No.14311685 [View]
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>> No.14007605 [View]
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this lol

>> No.13930057 [View]
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>"Why, yes, Guenon *is* my favorite author! I am a radical traditionalist... How could you tell?"

>> No.13824122 [View]
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>WAAAHH catholics be oppressin' us n' sheeiiiit
>catholics weak!
a tale as old as the church itself

>> No.13781974 [View]
File: 40 KB, 720x540, 1564533567877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk with Protestants
>Overally cruel and narcissistic
>Display open sociopathy
>Either obese or anorexic, same with their material possessions
>Vastly ignorant of church history
>Sola Scriptura, but can't read Greek or understand ecumenical councils
>Personality cults and bible worship
>Require everyone to have an extreme emotional reaction to their faith
>At least I'm not one of the 30,000 other denominations, we are truly the chosen ones

Talk with Catholics
>Humble, patient, and kind
>Vast knowledge of church history, Greek Philosophy
>Not obsessed with material possessions
>Strong traditions and overall rootedness
>Doesn't obsess on their shortcomings to the point of pathology
>Strong moral beliefs

Everytime I'm blown away at the extreme difference in quality between the two, and I don't even have a dog in the race

>> No.13653716 [View]
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I don't know, the mean quality of Catholics is much higher than that of Protestants, just in terms of general theological knowledge and not constantly contradicting themselves. I've heard Protestants saying really ignorant shit in a way that Catholics simply don't

>> No.13641102 [View]
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Every prediction they made a out the dissemination of literacy was vindicated in the end. Just look at all the heresies that have been revived by ignorant protestants, all of the personality cults and cynical hucksters. The vast majority of people don't have the moral fortitude to responsibly use literacy

>> No.13622950 [View]
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>Because the protestant heretical religion warped their understanding of good and evil.
This is very true. They are just like the antivaxxer parents, except instead of polio or whatever they bring back 3rd century heresies: arianism, gnosticism et cetera. People actually have a very hard time figuring things out for themselves. Luther spoke of the the priesthood of the laity, but the existence of 30,000+ Protestant denominations proves that they don't agree with themselves on anything, which you would think that being united in faith by the Holy Spirit would prevent.

>> No.13603965 [View]
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I'm beginning to think that it might be best for the average, normal folk to be some form of religious. Maybe not the managerial classes, but definitely the middle and lower classes. Things just work better that way and people are much happier in close knit communities than alienated gesselschaft societies. I'm increasingly sympathetic to the plight of Dostoyevsky's "Grand Inquisitor"

>> No.13585315 [View]
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>TFW the tradCath integeralists were pretty much right about every social, political, and economic issue.

>> No.12476344 [View]
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Unironically, which sect equates Mary with God?

>> No.11941331 [View]
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What do you mean by reactionary? Do you mean modern 'Deus Vult' bullshit or just all polemics? I'm assuming the former since Kierkegaard could probably be considered reactionary.

Anyway here's a few good Catholic authors that are not included in your list that you might enjoy: Merton, Henry Newman and Chesterton. Bentley Hart and Richard Swinburne are modern authors that are good but you might find a bit reactionary depending on what you mean.

>> No.11910111 [View]
File: 52 KB, 720x540, FB993968-99D1-44FA-BBD0-D612AB5CCC1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is up with that

>> No.11909547 [View]
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this guy gets it

>> No.11171749 [View]
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Is there any good Protestant literature?

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