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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20099913 [View]
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The Holy Spirit, given by Christ to the apostles, was said by Christ to be the One who infallibly leads the apostles "into all truth" - wherefore Christ says: "I still have much to tell you, but you cannot yet bear to hear it. However, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak what He hears [...]". As we know from sacred scripture, the Holy Spirit was given by the apostles through the laying on of the hands ("Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given you through the prophecy spoken over you at the laying on of the hands of the elders."), and that these successors of the apostles were admonished to "not be too quick in the laying on of hands and thereby share in the sins of others" - the laying on of the hands, the gift of a greater measure of the Spirit of Truth which would incorporate one into the apostolic body which was granted by promise of Christ to be "led into all truth". This body of Holy Spirit filled individuals, who all traced their episcopal laying-on-of-the-hands, in an unbroken chain, to the apostles and their successors, later gathered together in the Second Council of Nicaea, where they collectively, by virtue of the divine charism of infallibility (being led "into all truth") promised by Christ to the apostolic body, taught the following divine truth:
"As the sacred and life-giving cross is everywhere set up as a symbol, so also should the images of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the holy angels, as well as those of the saints and other pious and holy men be embodied in the manufacture of sacred vessels, tapestries, vestments, etc., and exhibited on the walls of churches, in the homes, and in all conspicuous places, by the roadside and everywhere, to be revered by all who might see them. For the more they are contemplated, the more they move to fervent memory of their prototypes. Therefore, it is proper to accord to them a fervent and reverent veneration, not, however, the veritable adoration which, according to our faith, belongs to the Divine Being alone – for the honor accorded to the image passes over to its prototype, and whoever venerate the image venerate in it the reality of what is there represented."

>> No.19412773 [View]
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>love of wisdom
Our Lord literally is Wisdom incarnate.

>> No.19398886 [View]
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These ancient texts have the same Holy Spirit breathing in them as in the Gospel and in the works Jesus Christ did and does to this day.

>> No.19383170 [View]
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See >>19383144.
He is the Living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

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