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>> No.11600498 [View]
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Tbh, I do not make much difference between books like The Kybalion or what grimoires these new-so-called "hip" publishing houses put out these days.

That is why I also do not visit /x/, at least here on /lit/ there is still some traditionalist discussion from time to time.

Guénon's correct observation was ultimately that a truly occult organization, no matter what its nature, never leaves behind written documents, grimoires or some ritualistic framework.

There is only direct initiation, oral transmission and living tradition. All other is dead and nothing more than mere psychic residues.

From the point of view of Islamic tasawwuf, what concerns the Afrad is different, whose master is Al Khidr and is considered outsie of what one might call "jurisdication of the Pole (al-Qutb)

Guénon writes they occur only in circumstances which make normal transmission impossible, for example in the absence of any regularly contituted initiatic organization.

Letter from Guénon March 14, 1937
>Al-Khidr is properly the Master of the Afrad, who are independent of the Qutb and may not even be known by him; it is indeed as you say a matter of something more ´direct´ and in a way outside defined and delimited functions no matter how elevated they may be; and this is why the number of the Afrad is indeterminate. This comparison is sometimes used: a prince, even if the excercises no function, is nonetheless higher in himself than a minister (at least if the minister is not himself a prince, something that can happen but which is not all necessary); in the spiritual order of the Afrad are analoguous to princes and the Aqtab to ministers. This is only a comparison, of course, but all the same it helps somewhat in understanding the relation of the ones to the others

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