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>> No.19918959 [View]
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Very cynical and apt description of it. In fact, modern “woke” bullshit is something like the masters throwing scraps off tables for the dogs, or like something they ramp up in everything in lieu of actual benefits for the masses while the corporate masters get richer and richer. Instead of being afraid of and despising the politicians and the evil policies they push or simply the lack of good ones they push, they have people afraid of the infamous “alt-right”, “White supremacy,” and “the rise of fascism” in the country (which, in fact, are usually just basic common people wanting basic common things, which they also disparage as “populism”). So, while the quality of life generally gets poorer and the elites benefit themselves, slogans like “Smash Whiteness” and “Destroy the patriarchy” are ramped up in everything as a sort of distraction, and, sadly enough, without really changing anything for the better. This creates a controlled dialectic where people, hating this woke bullshit and feeling their way of life is under attack, take on deliberately opposing sides in the culture wars and some even embrace ideologies like Nazism, fascism, White supremacy, and the like, or simply just being an offensive buffoon like Trump was, as a sort of way to “get back” or “rebel” against this toxic, totalitarian, and inane woke ideology. Sadly enough, however, such a reaction simply plays into the hands of the elites and society at large more, paradoxically justifying a new Domestic War on Terror, more canceling of dissenters, more Big Tech censorship, etc.

A common leftist argument is, “The ‘leftist’ politicians in the West aren’t even true leftists but rather monopoly capitalists with a thin woke veneer added.” This is one valid way to put it. Some more involved analyses, however, and knowledge of things like the influence of Saul Alinsky on well-known figures like Obama and Hillary, of the Democratic Party’s unabashed adjacency to/association to socialism in a minority of figures like Sanders and the “Squad”, as well as of Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum’s ideas of the “Great Reset” and “stakeholder capitalism” (which John Kerry as Biden’s envoy to the World Economic Forum affirmed Biden’s support of) puts radical leftism and a pseudo-socialist takeover of America as a POSSIBLE outgrowth of all this woke bullshit. One interesting little tidbit about it from the Mises Institute:

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