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>> No.22694019 [View]
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Saw a troll thread about GRRM dying and now I want to discuss ASOIAF

Who do you guys think wrote the Pink Letter (letter Jon reads that causes him to commit treason and get -ACKed!)?
On first read, I was sure it was Ramsay, then after reading it again I thought it was Mance since he keeps on talking about 'crows'. Now I am really not sure, why would Mance be talking about Reek, something that Jon would have no idea about. Also there's no mention of the handwriting being different, so I assume that the handwriting is the same as Ramsay's first letter, and I doubt Mance knows what Ramsay's handwriting looks like.

>> No.18884197 [View]
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This is my favorite fantasy book but it always gets shit on here. What are better fantasy books?

>> No.17980994 [View]
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Post your personal theories, hate on other people's theories
1. Jaime and Cersei are not Tywin's biological children
>Joanna Lannister (J&C's mom) was a rumored to have slept with Aerys and used to be his paramour
>At Joanna and Tywin's wedding Aerys made multiple comments about wanting to have a 'first night' with Joanna and was incredibly handsy with her at the bedding ceremony
>Afterwards she was kicked out of King's Landing by Aerys's wife
>Jaime and Cersei are incestuous and unnaturally attractive featuring golden/pale hair, a Targaryen trait
>In AFFC Tywin's sister tells Jaime that he isn't Tywin's real son, Tyrion is [in context it is about their personalities but it would be situational irony]
>Would make Tywin's entire thing about family incredibly ironic since all the things he does is for children that aren't his while hating his one biological child
>Makes Robert's Rebellion incredibly ironic too since Targaryens are still sitting on the Iron Throne, the only change is that they call themselves Baratheons now

2. Tywin was being poisoned by Oberyn Martell
>Oberyn states that he comes to King's Landing for justice, slowly reveals that this justice is the death of the people who killed his sister and nephews as well as the person who gave the order (Tywin)
>When meeting Tyrion in the black cells talks repeatedly about how Tywin 'won't live forever'
>At Tyrion's trial, Pycelle lists off the poisons he has. For Widow's Blood, he gives a discription of its effects: "Widow’s blood, this one is called, for the color. A cruel potion. It shuts down a man’s bladder and bowels, until he drowns in his own poisons." Pycelle does not do this for any of the other poisons
>When Tyrion sees Tywin at the end of the book, he is sitting over the toilet, unable to to clear his bowels
>In AFFC, Tywin's body is described as putrid, with a terrible odor, not like a normal cadaver

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