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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20642582 [View]
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>How do I at least keep the faith enough to persevere to the end?

Read Caussade, Abandonment to Divine Providence. It's short but profound.

You need to go to church, anon, because you need the sacraments.

Dare I say....


If you want to make it to finish line.

THAT is why Christ established them, after all. Thus the Eucharist is the equivalent of the manna in the desert. It is a **necessary** adjunct of the spiritual life. It is medicinal.

(1) You need to receive valid sacraments on a regular basis if you want to persevere to the end.

(2) It is very simple to become a saint, as Caussade explains. You simply have to accept the will of God, rather than rejecting it, or grumbling about those things that you cannot change. With this simple change in perspective as the foundation, God will make you a saint. Now, let me add, the principle at issue here is simple, putting it into practice is not necessarily so easy. But with the help of God's grace, you most certainly *can* put it into practice.

Read Caussade. Less than one hundred pages. A very simple book, but absolutely profound.

>> No.19250811 [View]
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im happy to hear that

>> No.19250258 [View]
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Very nice post.

>> No.19188133 [View]
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>>tell girl I like her blouse
>>she says it’s not a blouse it’s a shirt
>>guy next to me says I like your shirt
>>she blushes and they start talking

Your post amounts to a very nice, short poem. The details, the order in which you present the details, and the pacing, are well done and effective. Write a book of poems like this. You may be on to something.

>> No.19011033 [View]
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My problem is that I have this word on the tip of my tongue however I cannot seem to figure out what it is.
For example, when you take an "abstract" idea like predisposition to learning a different language and you find a way to mathematically express this ability. What word describes this process or idea? I'm finding it hard to fully express myself so I hope that the spirit of the question is at least mostly conveyed.

>> No.17810999 [View]
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>I think your perspective is seriously skewed.
Oh is it? I am in no way against you believing in God and Christianity.

What I am against is a immoral society acting like hypocrites to make themselves feel good in a world that's indifferent to their existence.
In my country I think statistically around 98% of people identify as Christians, in general Christianity teaches good morals for society to function yet the one I live in is morally corrupt and the churches are never more empty (unrelated to covid, the were empty before 2020). How many of these people have sex before marriage? How many don't lust after others partners? How many steal? How many worship idols? Adultery? Lie? Usury was banned for the most of the christian medieval ages and for a good reason yet all of our economies run on if and so do all our lives and then all these dirty people I see go once every three months to sunday mass and their conscience is clear because God is forgiving? He does everything wrong and bad, screws over multiple people and then as he is sick and at death's door he shows remorse and all is good? Fuck off with that. For me that is a unjust God. If people actually followed their religion as they claimed to we'd all be living very good lives.

I'm not even going to comment on what's happening to Europe with issues such as immigration. Yeah keep getting replaced and import more muslims don't worry about it Jesus would've loved them all.

Not to mention God's "mysterious ways" when 4 year olds die from horrible diseases like leukemia.

Either be a good christian or not one at all because otherwise I too and everyone can make up whatever we want to cope.

>> No.17576996 [View]
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The Magic Mountain

>> No.16733797 [View]
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Why is that so cheap? Do I have to do the renovating? Seems a little too good to be true given the location
How much would those cost? That's sounds nice, I'd go further north if need be—as long as I can get fire wood, I don't mind the cold, I do quite love the snow.

>> No.16460186 [View]
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D'Elbee, I Believe in Love

>> No.15940162 [View]
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>> No.15708850 [View]
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Post art, get a recommendation

>> No.15644498 [View]
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>Surely a religion that has survived for so long and achieved so much must have a deep philosophy.

The literature is immense, anon.

A few interesting texts are mentioned in this thread:

But to say that's just scratching the surface, would be the understatement of the year.

>> No.15222586 [View]
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What face will you bring into eternity as a result of the choices you make in this life?

>> No.15105278 [View]
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truly wasn't expecting a reply. thanks v much, very insightful

>> No.15070026 [View]
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What is the getting distracted during the apex legends character selection, not realising your main has been taken, getting auto-assigned mirage and immediately leaving of books?

>> No.13133345 [View]
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Can we have a thread were people post inspirational examples to Anons based on the project they are working on, or on the particular stage of their careers? I mean life stories of writers who faced similar challenges and and triumphed at the end.

I will start.

I am planning a novel that will take a lot of reasserting time (the best estimates are two years of research-reading) and I’m honestly quite scared. I mostly worked with poetry and drama and only now have changed the genre I work to the novel, so I still am not very sure of how to do this. Some of my fears are:

>Since I will be mostly reading this whole time I’m afraid I might get my (not very impressive) writing capacities rusty;

>I’m afraid that I end up spending 2-3 years researching and at the end realize that I don’t have what it takes to write this book, so all this valuable time will be thrown into the trash can;

>It’s a World War II novel (based on the German perspective), yet I am not from any of the main countries that fought the war, can’t read German and never had any army experience myself. Basically all that I will write about will come from research (and via my own feelings: I would do my best to imagine what would a given person feel in a given situation).

Can you guys post some examples of successful novels that took a lot of research to be written, or stories of writers that had to read several volumes in order to write a particular book? I’m honestly quite scared with this project…I don’t know if I have what it takes.

>> No.11950806 [View]
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example 2, a secular form of chance/contingency:

Kleist, in an essay that examines the phenomenon of how people complete their thoughts/sentences in the act of deployment, rather than retrieving them from some preexisting reservoir, Kleist identifies a remarkable moment of contingency in French Revolution:

"I believe many a great speaker to have been ignorant when he opened his mouth of what he was going to say. But the conviction that he would be able to draw all the ideas he needed form t eh circumstances themselves and from mental excitement they generated made him bold enough to trust to luck and make a start. I think of the 'thunderbolt' with which Mirabeau dismissed the Master of Ceremonies who, after the meeting of 23 June...returned to the hall in which they were still assembled and asked them had had they heard the King's command/ 'Yes,' Mirabeau replied, 'we have heard the King's command.'--I am certain that beginning thus humanely he had not yet thought of the bayonets with which he would finish. 'Yes, my dear sir,' he repeated, 'we have heard it.'--As we see, he is not yet exactly sure what he intends 'But by what right....' he continues, and suddenly a source of colossal ideas is opened up to him, 'do you give us orders here? We are the representatives of the nation.'--That was what he needed!--'The nation does not take orders. It gives them.'--Which launches him there and then to the highest pitch of boldness.--'And to make myself perfectly plain to you...'--And only now does he find words to express how fully his soul has armed itself and stands ready to resist--'Tell your king we shall not move from here unless forced to by bayonets.' (Cont. below)

>> No.11950722 [View]
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example 2, a secular form of chance/contingency:

Kleist, in an essay that examines the phenomenon of how people complete their thoughts/sentences in the act of deployment, rather than retrieving them from some preexisting reservoir, Kleist identifies a remarkable moment of contingency in French Revolution:

"I believe many a great speaker to have been ignorant when he opened his mouth of what he was going to say. But the conviction that he would be able to draw all the ideas he needed form t eh circumstances themselves and from mental excitement they generated made him bold enough to trust to luck and make a start. I think of the 'thunderbolt' with which Mirabeau dismissed the Master of Ceremonies who, after the meeting of 23 June...returned to the hall in which they were still assembled and asked them had had they heard the King's command/ 'Yes,' Mirabeau replied, 'we have heard the King's command.'--I am certain that beginning thus humanely he had not yet thought of the bayonets with which he would finish. 'Yes, my dear sir,' he repeated, 'we have heard it.'--As we see, he is not yet exactly sure what he intends 'But by what right....' he continues, and suddenly a source of colossal ideas is opened up to him, 'do you give us orders here? We are the representatives of the nation.'--That was what he needed!--'The nation does not take orders. It gives them.'--Which launches him there and then to the highest pitch of boldness.--'And to make myself perfectly plain to you...'--And only now does he find words to express how fully his soul has armed itself and stands ready to resist--'Tell your king we shall not move from here unless forced to by bayonets.' (Cont. below)

>> No.10670126 [View]
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What did you think of it?
I'm at the second book now

>> No.10587024 [View]
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Given the nature of this board and the nature of this request I know I'm likely going to get meme'd into next century but I'm looking for books with either:

Protaganists/main characters whom you really admire/want to emulate


Female protaginists/main characters who go deeply into what their character is and what being a girl/woman is really like for them

>> No.10527712 [View]
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What are some books containing well-meaning/'good' people?

i'm sick of being le ebin misanthrope lad

inb4 conspiracy against the human race

>> No.10361492 [View]
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Plato's Republic
Iliad+Odyssey which are commonly combined
Divine Comedy
Shakespeare's Tragedies
Paradise Lost
Hegel's lectures on Art, Religion and the history of Philosophy
War and Peace
In Search of Lost Time
Collected Poetry of your favorite poet

>> No.10307837 [View]
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I don't mean to deride you but this opinion isn't valid once you realize what literature actually is. You make it out to be entertainment or escapism which might have didactic utility, but it is much more than that. I'm sure there are literary critics who could express it this better than I can, but literature places you into any myriad human condition in history. Tapping into some universal receptacle of human memory and experience, which in turn you experience through them. You rarely experience non-fiction. There is also poetry which is it's own thing entirely. OP, comparing fiction and non-fic to each other in such a way is to miss the entire point of literature

>> No.10143024 [View]
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If this post ends in a number between 0 and 9 I'll jump off the Forth Road Bridge within the week.

don't you just love books? discuss

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