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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21873847 [View]
File: 3.80 MB, 4994x3481, mfw uppity kikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whaaat Netflix is run by tasteless LA bugmen whaaaaaaat
We have the original film, it's great, I'm struggling to care. Not as hype as nigger Ariel.

>> No.19777937 [View]
File: 3.80 MB, 4994x3481, 1636248596485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>One of the great recurring images in Storm of Steel is that of the man who becomes lost to his trigger-finger; standing like a hunter, still and alone in a dark field. Each shot a test, everything rests upon it, and he is willing to carry each shot to the grave with him. One even finds himself firing past all limits of the machine, forgetting its limitations.
>The men before him appear like rabbits scurrying for the bushes. And it is here that war becomes an endless chase, One forgets that combat is a confrontation, and so will die where he stands, not knowing that he has been lit up like a star in a field. Or perhaps he simply no longer cares, a welcome finality.

>In the oldest myths this is also where the warriors appear lower than the huntress, Atalanta. They even appear foolish, incapable, as if something had been lost to them. All of the first heroes were hunters, and in the Iliad the greatest warriors are hunters and farmers - a service to which they all hope to return, and that the war itself is dedicated to. Thus, war is itself a decline, or its possibility - of the laws of the forest, the simple heroism of pre-historic times. The King is forced to return to Artemis what is hers. Even at the cost of every hero. Blood is one of the sacrifices of dominion, and even legendary heroes are but leaves fallen to the forest floor. Homer's image of the great pines and oaks is only extended because of the reach of the war - it is the end of historical time. All connection to the primitive, Golden Age heroes,and their way of life is lost.

>One sees also the height of Rome and its fall in this. The imperial cult where there is no longer a distinction between man, god, and titan. The streets are lined with their images, but this is also an end to natural dedications.
>As Goethe says of the sculptures of goddesses: they must not be seen giving birth. The hero is the same, he cannot be seen in birth, or death. But there is a danger in this that the image of the mother - for the Romans, the wolf - also becomes lost.

>> No.19356584 [View]
File: 3.80 MB, 4994x3481, 1636168981233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the great recurring images in Storm of Steel is that of the man who becomes lost to his trigger-finger; standing like a hunter, still and alone in a dark field. Each shot a test, everything rests upon it, and he is willing to carry each shot to the grave with him. One even finds himself firing past all limits of the machine, forgetting its limitations.
The men before him appear like rabbits scurrying for the bushes. And it is here that war becomes an endless chase, One forgets that combat is a confrontation, and so will die where he stands, not knowing that he has been lit up like a star in a field. Or perhaps he simply no longer cares, a welcome finality.

In the oldest myths this is also where the warriors appear lower than the huntress, Atalanta. They even appear foolish, incapable, as if something had been lost to them. All of the first heroes were hunters, and in the Iliad the greatest warriors are hunters and farmers - a service to which they all hope to return, and that the war itself is dedicated to. Thus, war is itself a decline, or its possibility - of the laws of the forest, the simple heroism of pre-historic times. The King is forced to return to Artemis what is hers. Even at the cost of every hero. Blood is one of the sacrifices of dominion, and even legendary heroes are but leaves fallen to the forest floor. Homer's image of the great pines and oaks is only extended because of the reach of the war - it is the end of historical time. All connection to the primitive, Golden Age heroes,and their way of life is lost.

One sees also the height of Rome and its fall in this. The imperial cult where there is no longer a distinction between man, god, and titan. The streets are lined with their images, but this is also an end to natural dedications.
As Goethe says of the sculptures of goddesses: they must not be seen giving birth. The hero is the same, he cannot be seen in birth, or death. But there is a danger in this that the image of the mother - for the Romans, the wolf - also becomes lost.

>> No.18119881 [View]
File: 3.80 MB, 4994x3481, 1618345194301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~ Questions that don't deserve their own thread ~

Do you need...
...writing advice?
...book recs?
...needlessly caustic opinions?

If so, ask your stupid question in this thread.

>> No.18033921 [View]
File: 3.80 MB, 4994x3481, Requiescat, 1888, by Briton Rivière.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, thank you, Really appreciate it.

>> No.18017709 [View]
File: 3.80 MB, 4994x3481, Requiescat, 1888, by Briton Rivière.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example, the sexual revolution of the 60's
Half a century later capitalism thrives.
The sexual revolution of the New Left brought about by the New Left has, in fact, aided in making capitalism more international, less constrained by social pressures and more capable of chalange than ever before.
The sexual libertaion of the left has meant declining birthrates and the complete integration of western women into the capitalist structure for exploitation.
The rejection of classical leftism has meant an end for workers solidarity and agitation for the working class, and facilitated the replacement of the industrial labor jobs with a mass of easily replaceble work in the service and manajerial sectors.
The advocacy for anti-racism and the deconstruction of nationalism, has led to an opening of borders and increasing avalibility of cheap labor for capitalists to undercut their native workers.
The social radicalism of the New Left has been accepted and integrated into the capitalist system.
A deal with the Devil was made: the Left was given its liberation, its destruction of tradition and its sexualized culture; the capitalists gained a mass of easily pacified consumers without loyalty to their kin or any belief system which is fundamentally at odds with the ruling logic of capitalism. The universalism of the left has facilitated the globalist corporatism of late capitalism.
Through the useful idiots and cynical opportunists of the New Left, the capitalists found another way to revolutionize production and expand into uncharted territory, hitherto blocked off by traditional concerns of morality or national interest. The result has been a transfer of wealth from ordinary europeans to an increasingly small number of capitalist and a complete apathy of a mass of citizens, now mere consumers who have been reduced to a bovine kind of existence, with the constant provision of cheap consumer goods, necessary material comfort and an ever increasingly sexualized culture

All sold to them in the name of liberation.

>> No.17655239 [View]
File: 3.80 MB, 4994x3481, Briton Rivière (1840–1920) Requiescat - oil on canvas 1888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird. I've known people who were practically saints in terms of how good they were. Some of the best people I've met. They always end up suffering a lot in the end. Death isn't pretty. It just convinces me little by little that there really isn't anything after all this. I guess in rebuttal one could say Jesus suffered a lot when he was at his "end."

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