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>> No.19165088 [View]
File: 139 KB, 800x594, piercing-the-veil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I've been slowly cracking into the beginning of that one and it has already really changed significantly the way I carry myself. Knowledge of the Waters, Concentration and Silence, and The Nature Of Initiatic Knowledge are my favorite chapters so far.

As someone with a background in Astrology, having maguses teach me the more intimate significations of each element within the conscious being has made a rather profound science with static charts, a million intricacies and the occasional event IRL, into a literal way of experiencing things where I "Use" and "Refuse" the elements. Partially overcoming the waters and refusing their subtle influence has given me a less irratic conduct and a more immutable disposition. Being taught of the primacy of fire over water has proven very helpful in handling my responsibilities and subjugating my yearings and pains which would always peril my endeavors before. This is what I learned in Knowledge Of The Waters.

With Concentration and Silence I learned the power of experiential differentiative power and the power of silence and secret for honing every effort. When one babbles on or carelessly mingles with a crowd they dilute and disperse their experiential energy which would otherwise remain intact within themselves. Speaking of the interiorities of things is like pouring out the contents of a bottle in varying degrees, what is also occurrent here is that each person may only fill their bottle with their own "fluid" unless initiated in the same rank of the same sect so you're essentially just dumping it out only for it to drip off of them, this applies even when nobody else is present. The teaching of Concentration too was powerful and important for the purposes of honing the disciplines required of experience. Before I had a stirring mind and a few focusing exercises helped me such as focusing on or depicting the ground in all it'd simple rigidity as I took my daily walks. I had some notable mental faitigue in my efforts as it was more than simply viewing. I thought I had likely wasted my time until I came inside and looked around and began tasks and my focus was threefold strong and pure on anything I looked at or thought about and reading was a breeze.

The Nature of Initiatic Knowledge was one I'd heard and read before getting the book and it initially turned me onto Evola because he defeats science and philosophy by pointing out thay they are merely external(in regards to consciousness) relational constructions and entirely neglected a direct perception and conception of the substance of consciousness and it's transformation and use.

Materialist bugmen without the slightest patience or curiosity won't attempt to understand works like these let alone take the time to even read them and get mercilessly filtered as they should.

>> No.15974144 [View]
File: 139 KB, 800x594, piercing-the-veil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The statement is more complex than just *religion go poof*

Religion provided the source of transcendental inspiration for mankind before science started unraveling myths for what they were. Since of course the purpose of myth and the concrete profanities of science negate eachother, and mankind needs transcendental inspiration to keep striving upwards and not crumble. As science would progress the people under it's influence and teaching would hate religiosity, and sterilize mankinds drives and ambitions, and religion would eventually be seen as stupid by the populous.

So his solution after that is to try to bring the transcendental into the world by means of us making ourselves a higher animal and becoming aliken to Gods. He failed here because he tried to be transcendental without any transcendental qualities, no spiritually, or religiously rooted sourcepoints, therefore it was all materialistic B.S. that could never come to fruition unless mankind magically had a massive eugenic revolt leaving few behind and limited our use of technology.

Evola moggs him here because Evola was able to be transcendental with the transcendental and essentially unearthing or reworking the metaphysical roots of all past religions or spiritual paths into one constructive religious path accurately called the world of tradition, that the thousand secrets of science meant nothing in the face of one big secret that was and is found in high level occultism, you could actually shift your very stage of consciousness and state of being by piercing the veil, which nietzsche acknowledged to exist but then labeled as irrelevant to study the contents therein as they weren't scientifically tangible (even though in many regards they are).

Nietzsche is focused on the material only and his great striving upwards he saw existing beyond science and religion inherent in all nature was called "Becoming"

Evola was like lmao fuck "becoming" why don't you just "Be" Transcendental if it's the furthest point and also your ultimate goal.

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