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ask for bibliography, receive bibliography:

>Ancient/Greek Philosophy
Aristotle: Nicomachaean Ethics
Epictetus: Enchiridion
Heraclitus: Cosmic Fragments
Marcus Aurelius: Meditations
Plato: Republic
Seneca: Letters from a Stoic

>Christianity and Western Religion
Augustine: Confessions
Girard: Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World, The Scapegoat, Violence and the Sacred, Battling to the End

>Pre-20C Philosophy and Religion
Descartes: Discourse on Method
Leibniz: ???
Spinoza: Ethics
Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit

>20C Theory
Adorno and Horkheimer: Dialectic of Enlightenment
Althusser: On the Reproduction of Capital
Arendt: The Human Condition
Badiou: Ethics
Barthes: Elements of Semiology
Baudrillard: Symbolic Exchange and Death
Benjamin: On the Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
Deleuze: Difference and Repetition, The Fold
D&G: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, I and II
Foucault: Lectures at the College de France
Han: Psychopolitics
Heidegger: Being and Time, Basic Writings
Jameson: Postmodernism and Representing Capital
Lacan: Ecrits
Land: Fanged Noumena
Marx: Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, Grundrisse, Capital
McLuhan: Understanding Media
Nietzsche: Birth of Tragedy, Human, All-Too-Human, The Gay Science
Sloterdijk: You Have To Change Your Life, Critique of Cynical Reason
Stiegler: Technics and Time
Virilio: Speed and Politics
Wittgenstein: Philosophical Investigations
Whitehead: Process and Reality
Zizek: Less Than Nothing

>Eastern and nondual thought
Carse: Finite and Infinite Games
Confucius: Analects
Dogen: Shobogenzo
Laozi: Tao Te Ching
Wilber: The Atman Project

Braudel: Civilization and Capitalism
Graeber: Debt
Hobsbawm: Long 19C Trilogy
Mandel: The Meaning of the Second World War
Spengler: The Decline of the West
Thucydides: The Peloponnesian War

>Introductory and other guides
Barzun: From Dawn to Decadence
Campbell: The Hero with a Thousand Face
Mauss: The Gift
Junger: The Forest Passage
Tarnas: The Passion of the Western Mind
Zimmerman: Heidegger’s Encounter with Modernity

>Fiction and literature
Borges: Collected Fictions and Non-Fictions
Dostoevsky: The Brothers Karamazov
Herbert: Dune
Hesse: The Glass Bead Game
Kafka: Before the Law
McCarthy: Blood Meridian
Melville: Moby-Dick
Tanizaki: In Praise of Shadows
Tolkien: LotR

it’s a pretty standard list of the major works of major authors. but, i have found, there is a reason for this! the general rule would be that of the authors listed pretty much everything by them is worth reading. leibniz gets the ??? b/c i still haven't had my Leibniz Moment yet. and obviously there are omissions: Kant, for instance.

i guess one theme i’m interested in would be, perhaps, Production and Reproduction. or maybe it's the theme that i came to be interested in over time. hopefully this will keep you busy for a while. for a more acceleration-specific bibliography i'll comb the cosmotech thread & elsewhere. that will be my next project.

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