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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.9848625 [View]
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my man i shit you not this fucking place is the greatest goddamn thing i have ever seen in all my natural days. i cannot even begin to articulate how much shit i have worked out internally in these conversations & in these threads & only these places & in only these ways. /lit/ is permacool with me. however much i have been a shitposting all-star on these boards i am 14000% indebted to the /lit/ mimetosphere for having shaken out all my mimetic sillies on this board. being no academic philosopher & being ten thousand miles from ever being one threads like this & others are the best part of my day, full stop period.

having said this: goddamnit my guy i'm supposed to be getting shit done today & if you post quotes as interesting as that one my IRL life is only going to degenerate all the faster:

>"It's always night, or we wouldn't need light."
(Thelonious Monk)

this: extra-stolen. with thanks.

>That you still know it as "darkness" is a good sign tho.
aye. gotta respect the dark. that's psychoanalysis. but: also the good stuff. based proclus: Good Stuff by the fucking *bucketload.*

>If you can't view the light as a positive, then perhaps you can have a 'negative' sort of faith.
yes yes

>One can worship an antithesis in the service of one’s faith more effectively than a deity
the feels

>The darkness is a good negative image for belief and luckily its deeply stamped on the world
my man

>In the depths of its fissures, where it perfectly negates everything that most others believe, you can see the impression of spires

>you can see the impression of spires
>you can see the impression of spires

pic rel. this is all i'm saying. philosophy is humbling stuff. me: humbled. and very fucking *tired* also. but i am all about that neoplatonism.

negative faith: can into.
*worship* of *antitheses*: how fucking right you are. that *positive* mimesis. that *alternative* to seduction.

this is my thing. this is all of my thing. i have no answers except to support absolutely anything that is not yet another meme on planet meme. neoplatonism: no meme.

this is where i live. in liminalia. i'm fine with this. more than fine. my hope: positive karma. more neoplatonism; less ressentiment. nick land: a scary possibility. the tao: a good coping strategy. the endgame: who the fuck knows.

who the fuck knows. *proclus* tho. dat amor intellectualis dei. and maybe not so much deleuzian/spinozistic masochism. alternatives to sadomasochism/power-knowledge/&c: most appealing. v much so.

i like neoplatonists. muchly. muchly muchly. shit is beyond cynicism & hysteria, scylla & charybdis.

and you just gave me the fucking ending to my story, you slobberingly beautiful motherfucker, you. hence the retardedness. pardon me while i exile one absolutely archaic complex from my unconsciousness forever.

today, my guy, is a beautiful day. today - wasteland notwithstanding - is one goddamn beautiful fucking all-time day.

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