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>> No.21947569 [View]
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My reading list, ranked by importance to me:
I. Kant, Schopenhauer, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Stirner
II. Leibniz, Descartes, Husserl, Whitehead, Deleuze, Vuillemin
III. Merleau-Ponty, Debord, Baudrillard, Lyotard
IV. Berkeley, von Hartmann, Aristotle, Locke, Spinoza
V. Plato, Plotinus, Aviccena, Averroes, Nicholas of Cusa
VI. Quine, William James, Peirce, Santayana, Ravaisson-Mollien, Bergson, Kuhn, McTaggart
VII. Brandom, Dennett, Zosimos of Panopolis
VIII. Freud, Jung, Lacan, Žižek
IX. Nick Land, Hume, UG Krishnamurti, Kitaro Nishida, Hajime Tanabe
X. René Guenon, Hermes Trismegistus, Iamblichus, Poryphyry, Proclus, Bohme, al-Buni, Sohrevardi
XI. Subrawardi, Mulla Sadra, Ficino, Pico, Agrippa
XII. (on) Isaac Luria, Paracelsus, John Dee
XIII. Bruno, al-Hakim, Umayl, Lazzarelli, Ricoeur, Marion, Michel Henry, Gikatilla, Nishitani, Ingarden
XIV. J. J. Valberg, Caspar Hare, Puntel, Laruelle, Zalta
XV. Vyasa, Gaudapadacharya, Shankacharya, Suresvaracharya
XVI. Ge Hong, Lie Yukou, Chuang Tzu, Nagarjuna, Dogen, Kukai, Chinul Longchenpa, Jigme Lingpa
XVII. Satchidanandendra Saraswati, Ramana Maharshi
XVIII. Barry Smith, Althusser, Conrad-Martius, Przywara, Twardowski, Meinong, Stout, von Zimmermann, Wundt, Höfler, Malet Armstrong, Barcan Marcus
XIX. Cavailles, Brunchschvicg, Lavelle, de Biran, Lautmann, René Thom, Hadot, Granger, Hypollite, Diodorus Cronus
XX. Wittgenstein

Am I missing anyone? I don't want to read idiots like Heidegger. I think if you're returning "the practical and anthropocentric(read non-aesthetic axiology)" you're already getting sloppy, including referring to the praxis of everyday experience. (a feminist or Heidegger doing existentialism and telling their superiors such as Husserl their philosophy is wrong is like an Engineer telling a Theoretical Physicist how to do maths) So it's a form of decay of intellectual rigor and abstraction in general, which is a dismal sight to see in philosophy, and indeed is the case for the late 20th and early 21st century philosophy, save for Deleuze and the analytic ontologists, such as ordinary language ontology. Maybe I'd read Kierkegaard or Camus, but I'm not entirely sure if I care enough to waste my time on them, though I admit they have brilliant prose.

>> No.21863533 [View]
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My reading list, ranked by importance to me:
I. Kant, Schopenhauer, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Stirner
II. Descartes, Husserl, Whitehead, Deleuze
III. Merleau-Ponty, Debord, Baudrillard
IV. Berkeley, Leibniz, von Hartmann, Aristotle
V. Plato, Plotinus, Aviccena, Averroes
VI. Quine, William James, Pierce
VII. Brandom, Dennett, Hofstadter
VIII. Freud, Jung, Žižek

Am I missing anyone? I don't want to read idiots like Heidegger, and ethicist and politological cunts and various moralfags like feminist idiots are not my concern, so byebye existentialists. Maybe I'd read Kierkegaard or Camus, but I'm not entirely sure if I care enough to waste my time on them, though I admit they have brilliant prose.

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