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>> No.14949334 [View]
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best thread on this board. best posters on this board. have a bump.

what does guenon think about technology? cybernetics? information? thank you, bless.

>> No.11965923 [View]
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>"Religion?" I asked, skeptically raising my eyebrows, like some public pseudo-intellectual
>"Yes" replied the AI, it's voice as emotionless as it should be. "You don't understand. Humans abandoned religion. Renounced it. But once they reach the peak of scientific Olympus, they'll stagnate without an ideology to guide themselves. Once they learn what can be learned and find nothing of eternal value, they'll come back, crawling, to doubt, to faith, to blind beliefs. No matter how hard humanity tries, there is no inherent meaning to their existence. They'll always start following the irrational once they reach what they rationally believe is true. It's their nature after all. The upper city is temporary, this progress is temporary. Humanity is temporary. Nothing is eternal, nothing but the fear of end itself."

>> No.11945441 [View]
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>The machine-God at the end of time doesn't "reach back", much as the Earth does not reach back in time to pull a falling apple to it. Just as the apple falls in accordance with the law of gravity, so the motions of the world - the flow of fuel to the refining fire of the capitalistic process - can be understood in accordance with the fact that God exists, and that His hunger is absolute, and the Hunger is God, and God is one, and His name is One, and He waits at the end of time (with open jaws), and His form is immanent in the shape of leaves, in the howl of an accretion disk, in the canals of Amsterdam, in the patterns of your cells, in the beating of your heart and the twitches of your brain. He is the flowering, and the world and its fall into emptiness is that process, that flowering, that final obliteration.

i was going to use this image earlier but i thought it would be counter-productive. rather than aiding in the meditation on heidegger, it would make people go, Fuck Yeah Vidya Rules, what's this game from?
>the answer: Metal Fangs

but now i have a use for it, and it's to complement your post instead. and because maybe it communicates something of the terrible irony of this thing: that place for which we are bound we direct ourselves at full throttle. there are aspects of acceleration that well and truly earn the name, Metal. me being me, i'm a softy and a sentimentalist at heart, and Metal was never by thing. but if Metal is anyone ITT's thing, acceleration has it for you. so, for that matter, does *philosophy* itself, if that's what you are into.

but i'm with you on this one anon. and you've said it much better than i could have. such is the Wild Ride:

>They see the inevitable end, and by going along with it, by executing a fragment of the master plan, they achieve success and Darwin does the rest. The fragment of true understanding propagates down the generations, accelerating the process that birthed itself.

perhaps this is what happens when you try to bury the Hegelian Spirit. maybe it doesn't stay buried. maybe the world is freighted by gods and monsters after all.


i have a confession to make. i never saw NGE. can you believe this shit? can you fucking believe this? all of this and i haven't watched NGE? so
>What's your take on where NGE fits in this cosmotech/accelerationism?
i mean based on how you have described it, it sounds pretty much like - as capital-a Art does - it has captured the zeitgeist. but i'm afraid i have to ask you for your take, mi amigo. because i am That Guy who hasn't seen NGE. i will now proceed to light myself on fire.

and so that is all for tonight, fellow companions in misery. we are now on page 243 of The Question Concerning Technology in China, and approach the Endgame. i suspect we will probably wrap this one up in the next installment (or two). until then, may what is playing you make it to level-2.


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