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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23401977 [View]
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Physical books, oftentimes thrifted
If I'm not busy I'll do some in the afternoon. Otherwise before bed.
Usually just one reading session of ~1,5 hour. When I have a free day I'll add another such session in the afternoon.
The couch, office chair, outside, in a hammock, in bed in the winter
The Gay Science and the Charterhouse of Parma

>> No.22172699 [View]
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hi /lit/, i moved to france a year ago, have picked up enough to do my office job and survive, but still haven't managed to read a fucking book in french. i would rate myself at about b2, i can shit out half-decent business emails all day, but i don't know half the words i should. i tried getting some crappy "bestselling" detective shit and it was not good enough to make all the words i had to look up worth it so i dropped it halfway in

i tried reading du côté de chez swann, got about 50 pages in and loved the prose, but the vocab is a bit too much from time to time. anyone got any more modern recs to help tide me over the noob phase? i'm not going to specify any genres or anything, but i would prefer something semi-recent (1950s-current day) and not *super* dense lexically. just shill your favourites really as long as you're sure they won't break my teeth

i ordered a copy of l'étranger, so i'll be reading that in any case

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