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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15058888 [View]
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I hate Nick Land. Nick Land is responsible for all my juvenile mistakes. Me and Nick land are among the few individuals to fully understand the implications of Deleuzean thought and achieve the BwO. It is no coincidence that we both went insane soon after. Six visits to the psych ward later after deterritorializing myself with hardcore psychedelics, I have now returned to the fold of Platonism. The ethics of difference, it would seem, end only in a padded cell or a coffin. For my mother's sake, I now adhere to virtue ethics. Kinda miss fucking bipolar scene sluts but then again that's probably how I ended up with tertiary syphilis. I only hope my future wife can forgive me my immature philosophical infatuation...

>> No.15022475 [View]
File: 193 KB, 1440x1080, 6E8C30EC-8215-479B-8C52-9155C2EEF86B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and Nick land are among the few individuals to fully understand the implications of Deleuzean thought and achieve the BwO. It is no coincidence that we both went insane soon after. Six visits to the psych ward later after deterritorializing myself with hardcore psychedelics, I have now returned to the fold of Platonism. The ethics of difference, it would seem, end only in a padded cell or a coffin. For my mother's sake, I now adhere to virtue ethics. Kinda miss fucking bipolar scene sluts but then again that's probably how I ended up with tertiary syphilis. I only hope my future wife can forgive me my immature philosophical infatuation...

>> No.14610290 [View]
File: 193 KB, 1440x1080, E86ECFF8-5DF4-4B10-8DC3-E335F4031A53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and Nick land are among the few individuals to fully understand the implications of Deleuzean thought and achieve the BwO. It is no coincidence that we both went insane soon after. Six visits to the psych ward later after deterritorializing myself with hardcore psychedelics, I have now returned to the fold of Platonism. The ethics of difference, it would seem, end only in a padded cell or a coffin. For my mother's sake, I now adhere to virtue ethics. Kinda miss fucking bipolar scene sluts but then again that's probably how I ended up with tertiary syphilis. I only hope my future wife can forgive me my immature philosophical infatuation...

>> No.11856006 [View]
File: 193 KB, 1440x1080, 1533512762851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11667479 [View]
File: 205 KB, 1440x1080, 986B569D-3392-4448-B3AF-4DF4EEA616B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax, trendy. All that is real is the meaning you give things. The meaning you give things is the extension of your consciousness, the freedom to be enunciated as what-you-are into the future and the freedom to utter what-you-want-to-be or your subjectivity. All caps posting in a Mongolian barbecue market of ideas is a level of autism we intellectuals do not tolerate so I’m showing you the nearest exit
>pic related

>> No.11628983 [View]
File: 205 KB, 1440x1080, 6ACAD0E6-6693-400B-93C4-32CD49642264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and Nick land are among the few individuals to fully understand the implications of Deleuzean thought and achieve the BwO. It is no coincidence that we both went insane soon after. Six visits to the psych ward later after deterritorializing myself with hardcore psychedelics, I have now returned to the fold of Platonism. The ethics of difference, it would seem, end only in a padded cell or a coffin. For my mother's sake, I now adhere to virtue ethics. Kinda miss fucking bipolar scene sluts but then again that's probably how I ended up with HPV. I only hope my future wife can forgive me my immature philosophical infatuation.

>> No.11574981 [View]
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>> No.10190805 [View]
File: 193 KB, 1440x1080, 1502564138954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And since you don’t believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
mother*fuck.* holy hell this one gets me. is this the power of the fucking russians? good googly moogly. i'm fucking slayed by this. because of course *everybody* knows that things are fucked up...but it's not a question of just 'admitting that you are sick' - it's also, or seems to be, that we accept that we *are* sick and that there *is* no cure. not for late-marxist hardliners (or whatever), anyways...right? *everybody's* fucked up, the outsiders and the insiders...just in different ways...and we accept this, or as much as we can...i guess...

...i think part of it must be that, of course, we're raised on critique of ideology these days...'oh, you think you're *normal*, do you?' this kind of thing. the whole generation is born with CTRL-glasses on. and so, of course, we internalize this idea: 'no, no, of course, that's right, everything is perceptival...' and, of course this is true...but what we *aren't* used to hearing, anymore, is the fucking alternative...

and fuck...even if there *isn't* a normal, there does have to be something like an alternative to well-intentioned nihilism. it's just psychologically necessary. and whatever it is, it would sound like this guy.

>The basic falsehood and evil of egoism lie not in this absolute self-consciousness and self-evaluation of the subject, but in the fact that, ascribing to himself in all justice an absolute significance, he unjustly refuses to others this same significance.

because this is *exactly* the thing. 100%. isn't it?
seriously: isn't this the inner nerve-clusters of existentialism? isn't the *whole idea* that we are supposed to do exactly that, take responsibility for all justice, absolute significance...and that you *fucking cannot do it in good conscience?* you

this is why i was losing my gourd over those neoplatonism threads...the ironic, and perhaps comic, thing about lingering in the dark places is, good luck *not* falling hard for the Light when you see it next time, you sentimental motherfuckers...we can all be as surly as fucking shitty as we like brooding on market formalism or whatever...and the longer you do this, the more you are going to feel the sting when you read stuff like this...and realize that there is still something much, *much* more interesting to think about than fucking capitalism...

ai! that's twice today you have posted some of most perfect and perfectly-timed /lit/ ever, anon. wonderful post.

so vladimir solovyov, holy shit. Let's check this out on Wikipedia:

>A vigorous anti-Asian racist, Solovyov spent his last years obsessed with the fear of the "Yellow Peril", constantly warning that soon the Asian peoples, especially the Chinese, would invade and destroy Russia...arguing that in face of the "Yellow Peril", only the most merciless violence could save the white race

...ah, fuck it. i'm here for spiritual counsel anyways, not politics.

>> No.10042311 [View]
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D&g (like Foucault) are popular among the mentally ill

>> No.9923786 [View]
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>never been to sp, guess I'll check it out
>why are these normies on 4chan
This board confuses me. These people could be talking about sports on facebook or reddit or twitter, like healthy functioning citizens. Why do they come to 4chan to talk about sports?

If I had any interest in sports, I'd milk it for all it's worth and hang out at sports pubs and watch ESPN with my bros.

Instead, I'm shitposting about human extinction and william burroughs like a crazy man.

>> No.9883559 [View]
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>> No.9727288 [View]
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>me approximately five years ago

Stay away from poststructuralism, kids... mmmk?

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