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>> No.21370577 [View]
File: 172 KB, 630x354, trump howdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oglesby's was just getting at domestic American politics e.g. the old liberal banking establishment was dying and upstart ideological conservative wealth from military, aerospace, oil was growing and wanted to overthrow the old liberal elite. Most of the liberal elite didn't care if Vietnam went communist and wanted the American government to spend less money on the military. Conservatives wanted the government to spend a lot more on the military and less on welfare. Geopolitically non of that has to do with Quigley's idea of elite liberal Anglophilia e.g. Bush and Trump are pure pseudo-cowboys but strengthened the special relationship with Americas mother country and Reagan didn't give a crap about the Monroe doctrine when it came to protecting Anglo interests in the hemisphere during the Falklands war... in fact conservatives went from being Anglophobes in the 1930s to the biggest Anglophiles.

>> No.13674056 [View]
File: 172 KB, 630x354, TrumpHowdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 2015-2016 along with the rise of Trump.

>> No.12089965 [View]
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I've never read it but from skimming the description on wikipedia it seems like a highly idealistic understanding of things... market liberalization wasn't just an idea that caught on because of some "lack of imagination". Take the USSR under Brezhnev where they attempted to keep their heavy industry alive whereas in America/Britain they allowed their industrial economy to essentially be gutted and shipped off shore, one of those strategies objectively worked and the other didn't. To quote Hegel: "What is rational is real; And what is real is rational". Attempting to interpret history as suffering from some sort of neurotic spasm isn't the way to go. The emergence of monetarism as the guiding ideological paradigm for central banks worldwide and the more general rightward shift that began in the late 70s really did get inflation under control in the advanced economies which was imperative at the time. Also "neoliberalism" is largly a myth, Keynesianism [despite whatever is claimed] is still the guiding public policy even though it moved towards a more militarized function in the economy, you got more conservative rhetoric enter the mainstream but larger deficits alongside a public disavowal of spending.

>le cynical babbies first exposer to elite theory

>> No.10089677 [View]
File: 166 KB, 630x354, trump howdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mills analytical approach is definitely useful but his data is outdated to the limited public knowledge circa 1950s and doesn't exactly describe how power really functions today obviously.

There isn't, and never was, a unified elite in America. In recent history the split between the trilaterialists/unilateralists very much reflected this. The conspiratorial right has dominated talk about elites and shifted all attention excursively on elite groups like the Council On Foreign Relations without looking at deeper groups like the American Security Council, United States Global Strategy Council, World Anti-Communist League, etc.

Go back and read about how the FDR administration helped hook up organized crime with the intelligence community that was created during WWII. Dallas, Watergate, Iran-Contra, etc all goes back to these connections between organized crime and the national security state formally created with the National Security Act (NSA) in 1947 under Truman. The CIA was essentially formed under WW2 Nazi intelligence chief Gen. Reinhard Gehlen; the Gehlen Org pre-empted the CIA’s civilian character before it was ever born.

International drug trafficking ever since has been financing a vast parapolitical pro-free enterprise anti-communist shadow government who promoted UFO/psi research within the military establishment throughout the cold war.

In the post war economy massive amounts of wealth was diverted away from the traditional elite on Wall Street into the defence sectors of the economy primarily located in the South. The development of the sunbelt was a consequence of FDR. The new cowboy elite didn't like the old yankee elite obviously and wanted to overthrow them and have been giving patronage to various radical right groups to fully dismantle the old New Deal consensus.

The most important thing to realize is that "meme magick" is very much a real development of all this. This is very disturbing stuff but it's all real and needs to be understood.

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