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>> No.15819725 [View]
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>If you’re not, tell me otherwise.
I don't mean to say that men and women are interchangeable and that it's all just a matter of social constructs. I'm not a gender abolitionist, I think male spaces by necessity will be designed differently from women's spaces. But it seems to me some gendered traits could end up being maladaptive when circumstances change.
>would you also say that a woman’s respect of a man would not diminish should she find out about his deepest fears and anxieties
Yes, and some of this would be the reptilian brain saying that weak men are unfit to plant their seed in you, but I also think it stands in proportion to the value we ascribe these traits in our society. Feminists will be the first to admit that women reproduce harmful attitudes towards men as well.

>Doesn’t the physically imposing man garner more automatic respect than the small one?
Sure, if we're just talking about physically mogging someone, broad shoulders/hip-to-waist ratio, some of these things are pretty consistent across different time periods and cultures. But I think you may be underestimating the extent to which other conceptions of masculinity are culturally conditioned. Male fraternal tenderness is an obvious example. You don't need to go back very far to when physical displays of affection between men wasn't labeled as faggy or effeminate. Look at old pics of uni teams or soldiers where men hold hands and sit on each others laps. This is something that shows up in literature as well, there's bros kissing each other on the cheek or forehead and they're just buddies, there's normally no gay subtext at all. The gay noia and idea that real men don't show their feelings that way came later. I'm sure you're aware that this differs between cultural regions as well, French men kiss each other, and while India is not very gay friendly Norway is, but it's in India you may expect to see male friends holding hands in public. I could make a point about crying as well, just read the Illiad or lotr or something. I'm phoneposting, otherwise I'd make a more detailed post.

>This overcoming is what is ultimately expected for the man to do, hence finding its manifestation in almost purely male friendships
I was expecting you to say something about the military instead, the bonds forged in the heat of battle or whatever. "overcoming struggle" is more vague, though I actually agree with the larger point and it's something that should distinguish male spaces from female ones. I'm not sure to which extent these male bonds can be said to be stronger though unless the circumstances are truly special, like in times of war or some other crisis.

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