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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14778018 [DELETED]  [View]
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is joining the military /lit/?

>> No.11482561 [View]
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Turns out one can critique bad scholarship and problems within academia without supporting sad fascist wannabes. But this requires a level of nuance impossible on /pol/lit/ since the 2016 election

>> No.11368974 [View]
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>doesn't study classics
>didn't read the book
>dismisses things he disagrees with to feel superior without actually thinking about them

This is your brain on /pol/
I don't give a fuck what you believe personally, just form your own fucking opinions and read more books.
/lit/ is dead long live /lit/

>> No.11230277 [View]
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Sorry for no contribution but i'm starting to read as a primarly hobby

>> No.10303525 [View]
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Hi /lit/ can you help me?
I'm looking for a philosophy book I saw posted on here a while ago.
It was something popular and there was a big theme of irony within it. It was written in the past few years or so I believe.

It's a well known book but I can't seem to find it. I'd like to know the name of it and discuss it a bit

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