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>> No.20560652 [View]
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>Barry tried his best to help us cope with the theft of the election from Vladimir Putin. We didn't know at that time about the more sinister plot to undermine our Democracy by the foreign agent Donald John Trump. He had been there under our noses all along, orchestrating things from small to big, always seeming to be there whenever something went wrong.

>We had tried to pass the Medicaid Bill, granting a tax free grant of $50,000USD to every United States citizen with an express statement that we would no longer stand by whilst Wall Street played fast and loose with the nations investments. But the bill had been blocked. There had been a blackout of it on all major television and web publishers. Nobody even knew it existed. What happened?

>Vladimir Putin happened, although we know this now only in retrospect.

>I remember meeting Donald John by chance one day as I was buying a pita from a street vendor outside the Russian Embassy.

>"Well hi, Don," I started to say, "how's your young son?" But Donald John cried out when he saw me, and there was money just falling out of his pockets, "what're you doing Hilary?" he shouted at me, falling onto his backside and scrabbling backwards with his feet, his hands waving as if to push away invisible enemies. "Don," I said, telling the orphans I was taking for ice cream that day to just hold fo a moment, "what's the matter?" and he screamed, "code red! code red! Moscow Moscow! golden booby imperiled, repeat, golden booby imperiled," and then Russian stormtrooprs cme pouring out of the Russian Embassy battering United Sates citizens with the butts of their rifles, kicking them with their black plastic boots, screaming and screaming and they dragged Donald John back behind the safety of the Embassy Gates.

>I thought little of it at the time, as I always think th best of people, but it ought have been obvious that Donald John Trump had been, and would remain, an enemy spy for Vladimir Putin.

>Wisdom often comes from the mouths of children, those of us unjaded to the truths of the world.

>The little orphan girl was named Svetlanka and she pointed her finger in silence at Donald John, and I asked her why, "he's a bad man," she said, "I can sense his aura and it is black."

>And I crouched down and hugged Svetlanka, tears falling from my eyes. Children are so wise.

>End of Chapter Three.

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