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>> No.10383131 [View]
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As a Swede I will tell you that the quality of life has dropped like a rock in the past 20 years

>huge immigration flood, there was already a shortage of housing and jobs, but in most recent years we've taken in yet more and more immigrants, meaning we're taking in lots of people who have no place to live and no place to work, hardly fair to them, hardly fair to us
>all these immigrants (and now native swedes), have no option but to live at home or at refugee compounds (where lots of abuse and rape happens), and live on social security
>crime has absolutely skyrocketed because there's now lots of displaced and out of place people who have nothing to do and any attempt to try to integrate them into society is met with accusations of racism
>police stopped reporting rape statistics because they were accused of being racist
>Sweden is the only country in Europe where *grenade attacks* is a common feature of crime, and grenades are stupid cheap and easy to obtain on the black market, averaging less than $2 a piece
>there's entire ghettos which are "no-go zones", where police and emergency services refuse to go because they will be attacked with at best rocks and firebombs, at worst the previously mentioned grenades
>regular health services and mental health services are understaffed and overburdened beyond belief, because there's not enough personnel and resources to handle all these people, and they're in themselves a continued net drain because they have no way to sustain themselves but social security
>you might have to wait 18mths to get an appointment with a psych and that's if you regularly call to bother them, otherwise they will hope you forgot and just quietly pretend you don't exist
>there's not even 20k cops in the entire country, many places have response times measured in hours, and the private ownership of weapons for the purpose of self-defense is 100% illegal, more-over self-defense is treated with extreme prejudice by police and if they think they can get you for something, even if you were just trying to defend yourself and your property, they will try their hardest
>courts are beyond surreal in their treatment of criminals, the most infamous serial rapist in modern history got 14 years and served 9, he's let out despite the fact that psych said he was at an extreme risk for relapse, rapists and murderers are commonly given absurdly light treatments (brutal child rape is commonly met with a 4 year sentence, which they probably will not serve fully), on the other hand, courts love to shit on anyone caught with illegal drugs, this is the only crime they seem to care about

Not bullshitting about grenade attacks:
If you think Sweden is some sort of paradise, you're a delusional Bernout, socialism has failed Sweden.

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