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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.1958760 [View]
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The two "proper literature" books that I consider the worst I've ever read are probably Fahrenheit 451 and Galapagos by Vonnegut. I absolutely could not stand Ray Bradbury's writing style. He tried way too hard to make it poetic and the overall book really suffered for it. Not to mention, the ending. I don't know how to do a spoiler tag, but if you haven't read it and don't want the end ruined STOP FUCKING READING RIGHT HERE. A hobo camp full of outlaws with photographic memories who have dedicated their lives to keeping the classics alive? Really? Not to mention, I doubt the government would just stop chasing the main character just because he made it outside the city limits.

Galapagos, on the other hand, I thought was just shit all around. I loved Slaughterhouse-Five and enjoyed most of Vonnegut's other novels, but it seemed like he didn't even try to do anything new with Galapagos. It felt like he was just doing a parody of himself. And for most of the book nothing happens. It's just Vonnegut talking about pointless bullshit.

But both of those, with all of their faults, are way better than The Lando Calrissian Adventures. When the Borders in my town was going out of business I picked up a couple of Star Wars books because they were dirt cheap and I figured there was no reason not to. Yes, there were plenty of reasons not to. Plenty.

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