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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.6642465 [View]
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>all the feminist garbage I had to read getting my BA
Jesus CHRIST, never again. Fucking women and niggers don't seem to have a capacity for high art.

>> No.6437068 [View]
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Is this what it feels like to be a patrician, /lit/? To read one post and realize it is wrong on such a fundamental level that you know you are intrinsically superior to the poster?

>> No.6160051 [View]
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>he considers a book written after 1900 to be among the greatest works of literature in history

tippity tip m'trash head

>> No.6117056 [View]
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>shitty stripcreator comics

Earth is suffocating.

>> No.6110886 [View]
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>I have been working on my magic system for several years now, I have also designed three dead religions and a turtle shell economy

>free verse has merit

>I don't see what's wrong with being monolingual

>Dante's Commedia is just a bunch of wisecracks about people he knew at the time, it has no relevance today

>Virgil is better than Homer

>I really like surrealist fiction. Kafka got me into writing.

>attacking a post's spelling error instead of addressing the argument

>attacking an anon for their use of a meme instead of addressing their argument

>saying "dank meme" ever

>not realizing when you need to go back to reddit

>being a modern male with cucktube tabs open 24/7 thinking "am I gay? dunno"

Quick, compact the trash before the goyim escape!

>> No.6102636 [View]
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>trying to trick me into having confidence

>> No.6093683 [View]
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