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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.14461078 [View]
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>How did you get the chance to spend three weeks out there?

It's the small homestead of a families friend, they have their own solar panels/heaters, collect drinking water, grow their own vegetables and raise goats and chickens, it's small, cozy, humble, well maintained, like a house in a miyazaki movie, it doesn't take that much work in a day and the work that it's required it's extremely fulfilling since you're directly exposed to the fruits of your labour. It has a great view and it's not to far away from the village/city, since everyone my age now is going into the cities for studies/work most of the rural land is old and available for cheap.

A little bit of a rant, but, what some people my age are beginning to realize is that life in the city is not really all that worth for its ever increasing cost, it's a fun place to be in, dynamic, energetic, there's culture, but you adapt after a while as it happens with everything. It's getting ridiculously expensive so what I'm seeing is that smart techies who work remote are buying land out in the country and building small homesteads and are starting to raise families, the city seems to drain you as the economic node that you ultimately are, and since you barely reproduce because you either can't afford it or you're in a bad part of town you eventually will get replaced with cheap labour from abroad while the upper upper class reaps more financial rewards and reproduces itself, isolated from the dying gasps of the ever decreasing middle class, here most young people still live with their parents, wage growth has stagnated, yet prices for everything keep going up and up, infrastructure is crumbling, taxes are being badly used, public school quality and maintenance is also going down the drain and the suburbs around the capital city are all immigrant cheap labour that works in the capital for rich people. It's amazing to see in a way, there's really no sense that a country exists anymore, we're just an economy that needs to keep growing, GDP might be up but everything else is crumbling apart.

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