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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22807723 [View]
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What are you reading?

>> No.22694406 [View]
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Didn’t see a meta thread up. Post latest /lit/ related news and discussions here!

>> No.22683346 [View]
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Which Horror’s Call book are you rereading now that the F Games has begun?

>> No.22674497 [View]
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Gardner is hosting the “biggest /lit/ wide event ever.” Who’s going to try to win the prize of the best writer of 4chan?

>> No.22655833 [View]
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Get in here bros. All 16 Horror’s Call books are fucking free for Halloween. Who’s reading? Lets have a schizo good time!

>> No.22563575 [View]
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What Horror’s Call book are you reading tonight?

>> No.22559254 [View]
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Now that /lit/ has broken into the mainstream zeitgeist with F Gardner’s Horror’s Call have we decided which is the best novel? Is it Call of the Crocodile still? That seems to be the undisputed modern classic

>> No.22551130 [View]
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/lit/ edition
noticed there wasnt one. write whats on your mind!

>> No.22539645 [View]
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Will there be more Horror’s Call for halloween?

>> No.22531735 [View]
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Have you ever read a book from /lit/? What was your favorite?

>> No.22327916 [View]
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Which book in Horror’s Call do you suggest I should read next if I’ve only read Call of the Crocodile and Call of the Arcade so far?

>> No.22305242 [View]
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Why is Horror’s Call so fun to read?

>> No.22291261 [View]
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What is it about Call of the Crocodile that attracts anons from 4chan so much while simultaneously make Redditors seethe to the point of it making it to the front page of Reddit?

>> No.22183091 [View]
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Are any of F Gardner’s new books any good? I’m going to read them but I want to start with whichever the best one is.

>> No.22106861 [View]
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>They always take this subtly condescending perspective, acting as the voice for the "in-group" while also saying nothing unique.
You could say the same exact thing about the average poster on here, though...so what exactly does that mean?

>> No.22027728 [View]
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Hey If I write a book like F Gardner will you guys read it and make me famous too like him?

>> No.22019704 [View]
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Get in here lads! The F Man is talking about more esoteric theories.


>> No.22008723 [View]
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Out of all the books in Horror’s Call which is the best?

>> No.21987396 [View]
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I’ll be doing more of these threads but I want to start off with the most relevant books which consists of a series everyone here knows of. F Gardner’s books are the best this board has produced. The other books from 4chan don’t compare in my opinion with a couple of exceptions. Call of the Crocodile is the most famous one but the entirety of Horror’s Call is phenomenal, with the newer ones being superior. It’s honestly probably the best indie series that I’ve ever read and it surprises me the series originated from 4chan. Why aren’t there more writers from this board? Does /lit/ consist of mostly readers and not writers? The fact that this is obviously the case surprises me too and I’m wondering what the future will have in store for literary works. As of now this is the best it gets but it’s great if you like the horror genre and weird twist endings that it’s become known for. That being said there is a drought of works of other genres here. I enjoy horror but I would like to see more books and series that branch out and possibly even non-fiction.

>> No.21970598 [View]
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ok which book in Horror’s Call should I read after Call of the Crocodile?

>> No.21890256 [View]
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>> No.21881852 [View]
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Grapes of Wrath is my favorite novel. Although I low key understand because Page 100 is the page I would refer to for a list of all the characters. Because the action of the novel doesn’t really start until then.

There is this interesting thing happening in those early 20th century American Novels with a focus on transportation. “As I Lay Dying” they take horse/mule and carriage from point A to point B.

Hemingway is galavanting around Europe on train and bus.

Fitzgerald’s characters are driving in luxury cars and commuting to their City jobs

Steinbeck’s characters drive a caravan of cars/trucks. It really is Americana to its core. For me, it’s also the comfiest book and the family dynamic really resonates with me. There is also a biblical reading of the book and it exhibits the American Dream more than any other American novel imho.

Grapes of Wrath is “The Great American Novel” to me because it is full of the Modern values which made American Exceptionalism so appealing. It has fair critiques of government without being too pretentious.

I really can’t recommend it enough

>> No.21877830 [View]
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Now this is a based response. The people who gatekeep reading on this board are the worst. There's nothing wrong with indulging in some epic fantasy from time to time

>> No.21811211 [View]
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What books are among Horror's Call and can be considered essential /lit/ core?

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