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>> No.21888653 [View]
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>barista leftists
Well we're all posting on /lit/ so...

>But he was right on certain things
Marx has this line about "Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past." You can take that to mean the situation you find yourself in is basically contingent, not essential. Marxism in one way is having the freedom to conceive of the world in terms of processes instead of the static, dead thing of liberalism. And while that analysis might inform you that today there's no way in hell people are gonna rebel, well go read the news. The dollar hegemony is ending.

You just keep doing analysis, and do what you can to be in a position to do something once conditions allow for it, even if you don't have much control over the conditions themselves. The more people have class consciousness, the more organization and solidarity there is, the better positioned everybody here will be, unless you're really filthy rich, while also accepting that you can't will history to move in a particular direction.

>Marx, Engels, and Lenin were all perfectly fine with individual, highly self-conscious nations continuing to exist through and after the proletarian revolution
That's pretty basic stuff. There's also no reason these national socialist (ha ha) republics can't cooperate with each other instead of engaging in zero-sum competition, which is gonna lead eventually to blowing up the world in wars because "your gain is my loss" and vice-versa.

>supplant it with class consciousness based ideals can also be used to supplant it with consumerism and commodification
Tell it to all the guys blasting cartons of Bud Light with rifles in their backyard because they think the color of a brand logo makes them gay. That is some high-intensity alienation if you ask me.

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