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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.13483209 [View]
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>page 235 – “Better-educated girls grow up to have fewer babies, and so are less likely to beget youth bulges with their surfeit of troublemaking young men.”
>page 279 – “Suicide rates rise sharply during adolescence and then more gently into middle age, where they peak for females (perhaps because they face menopause and an empty nest)”

>> No.13105615 [View]
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neither happy nor unhappy
john farrenkopf-prophet of decline: spengler on world history and politics

>> No.12957500 [View]
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he was a profound supporter of the civilization cycle, we are still yet to see what way Western man is ultimately heading

>> No.12876645 [View]
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It already did, but no one listened.

>> No.12634107 [View]
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>Professor tells you to date years by BCE and CE

>> No.5919864 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.5856164 [View]
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Video games are birthed from capitalism. Almost nothing from that era can't be art and cinema barely qualified. This is also a reason why video games needed way less to be ursurped by the masses and their average quality to be reduced by the average man, the mass man and his new friend in the fight against the aristocratic, the average woman.

This ofcourse doesn't mean video games don't have merit in what they are. They jsut aren't art, since they don't require the unconcious, actually they require reason to activity to be appreciated. This is what gameplay is.

>> No.5069486 [View]
File: 70 KB, 217x320, Oswald Spengler - Obamicon (Decline).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where will the next culture blossom?

>> No.4908330 [DELETED]  [View]
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>I distinguish, again, "soul" and "world." The existence of this opposition is identical with the fact of purely human waking consciousness (Wachsein). There are degrees of clearness and sharpness in the opposition and therefore grades of the consciousness, of the spirituality, of life. These grades range from the feeling- knowledge that, unalert yet sometimes suffused through and through by an inward light, is characteristic of the primitive and of the child (and also of those moments of religious and artistic inspiration that occur ever less and less often as a Culture grows older) right to the extremity of waking and reasoning sharpness that we find, for instance, in the thought of Kant and Napoleon, for whom soul and world have become subject and object.

>> No.4845935 [View]
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>If these allegedly weak people bunch up and manage to extract money from those who have (e.g. welfare), they've managed to provide for themselves. If you still want to argue that these people are weak despite succeeding in Darwinian terms (escaping natural selection), it only goes to show that Darwinism isn't as bulletproof as its proponents like to claim it is.

this is actually precisely how i found myself back at the 'might isint always right' position, only this time from a right-wing perspective.

a recurring theme of history is wrong ideas are constantly defeating right ones thanks to memetic adaptibility/popularity.

>> No.4421012 [View]
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>could it happen to our society?

>> No.4378381 [View]
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>that could in no way have been anticipated prior to 1934
Muh Caesarism.

>> No.4349552 [View]
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This, Spengler hated Shekelgrabber and his butt-buddies for being fanatical anti-semities and being too narrowly German in outlook rather than pro-western.

>> No.4337737 [View]
File: 70 KB, 217x320, Oswald Spengler - Obamicon (Decline).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Spengler, if you're interested

>> No.4321353 [View]
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>implying he wasn't right

>> No.4304505 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is there any truth to this man's works?

>> No.4294145 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 70 KB, 217x320, Oswald+Spengler+-+Obamicon+(Decline).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished reading The Decline of the West. Few questions:

If Faustian culture began during the 10th century, during the Gothic period, what culture existed prior to this? Why doesn't Spengler consider Nordic culture a major culture?

More generally, at what point does a proto-culture transform into a capital-C Culture?

Also: Spengler General Thread.

>> No.4273118 [View]
File: 70 KB, 217x320, Oswald+Spengler+-+Obamicon+(Decline).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the middle of Spengler's The Decline of the West.

It's the most prescient work I've ever read; the amount of predictions he got right is astounding.

A few notable ones:

> Russia would eventually cast off Western-dominated Marxism and return to its native traditionalist, tsarist, Christian culture.
> Capital cities will expand their gridded boundaries to encompass tens of millions of people, with new forms of communication that the people of his time would consider "fantastic to the point of madness."
> Provincial cities (e.g. Detroit, Cleveland, et al), on the other hand, will begin a lengthy process of decay and depopulation, whose remaining residents will consist only of the absolute dregs of society.
> As women rise in power, birthrates will plummet, which will invariably open the door to a flood of immigrants from other, competing cultures.
> Eventually, Western civilization (the inevitable outcropping of Western culture) will shift into Imperium-mode -- it's last attempt to hold onto power and relevancy -- which will raise individuals into positions of totalitarian power, and mirror the worst of the late Roman Empire, with its frequent and chaotic power-shuffling.

He also correctly predicted a lot about the decline of Western art, which coincides with the soullessness of post-religiosity. "One thing," he wrote, "is quite certain, that today every single art-school could be shut down without art being affected in the slightest."

He bases all these predictions on the close study of eight major world cultures, all of which have followed an identical succession of life-stages.

Definitely worth the read.

>> No.4188487 [View]
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Last thread was sadly deleted.

I'd like to continue our discussion about traditionalist / conservative / reactionary literature.

Some of the authors discussed:
>Oswald Spengler
>Julius Evola
>Rene Guenon
>Carl Schmitt
>Jorge Luis Borges
>Yukio Mishima

DISCLAIMER: Please respect all global rules. Keep civil. Refrain from racism, shit-posting, /pol/ meme-spamming, etc. This thread is intended as a forum to discuss and recommend traditionalist/reactionary authors, literature, and philosophy.

NOTE TO JANITOR: The last thread was posted in good faith, for the purpose of discussing a large subset of literature and philosophy. Threads on anarchist and socialist literature appear fairly regularly on /lit/. Any shitposting should be the responsibility of those who shitpost, not those seeking civil conversation. Thanks.

>> No.4039217 [View]
File: 70 KB, 217x320, spengler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classical read on the subject - The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler (one of the favorite philosophers of Wittgenstein)

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