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>> No.16913302 [View]
File: 70 KB, 960x720, Sanctimony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue is that you struggled to read what I wrote, you got upset with this, then this causes you to feel inadequate, so you start talking shit trying to build your ego after being discomforted by the thoughts of your own inadequacy.

You perceive this feeling of inadequacy you feel upon failing to understanding my writing to be my intent when writing because this is the way my writing made you feel. I didn't write that to make you feel stupid, nothing I wrote was in any way "supremacist" or talking down to anyone. My writing is speaking to you at eye level, making eye contact, treating you like a person of equal validity and merit as myself.

Clearly you struggled to understand what I was saying, this made you feel stupid, then you feel personally antagonized due to your own failures. "Blaming the system" because you fail is childish, because the system doesn't give a fuck whether or not you succeed or fail. The system is what it is, the system is a constant, and whether or not you fail is based upon your own capacity to perform.

You've superimposed your own reaction to to your own failure as if it were my intent to induce this feeling of inadequacy within you. That was not my case at all. When you go to class and the teacher asks you a question, the teacher isn't trying to "make you look stupid" the teacher is trying to get you to engage with the material. The same is true for what I wrote in those posts.

If we analyze the tones of the posts I wrote when compared to yours, there is a marked difference in the amount of negativity, name calling, and otherwise antagonistic speech which was entirely absent in mine. Logically, this would be having a conversation with somebody, that person speaks their point of view, then you punch them in the face, not because you disagree, but because you don't understand what they are saying and this makes you feel stupid and inadequate, so you must resort to destructive and illegitimate means to re-substantiate your ego which was clearly so viciously maimed by being exposed to a point which you failed to understand.

If anyone is a "narcissistic delusional asshole" here, it is you, judging by the negativity of your speech, your inability to respond to the arguments I made and instead resorting to personal attacks, then in all irony using your state of admitted under-performance as evidence of your own supremacy.

Nothing I am doing here even compares myself to any of the people on this website, so to think I am jockeying for ego with my argument is laughable, and yet again asserting your own presumptions and your own predispositions onto the acts of others, presuming that other people are like yourself, because in your post you are clearly attempting to jockey for superiority of ego by condemning me while asserting your fallacious "humility" with passive aggressive sanctimony.

>Try to be a "true intellectual" and analyze this with "reflection and honesty"

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