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>> No.21825939 [View]
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The tendency to have a lesbian protagonist has increased enormously the last few years. There are few factors behind it, one is mainstream female authors wanting to be inclusive and liking WLW (women-loving-women) stories. Not to mention actual lesbians enjoying writing stories about themselves, which the market welcomes more than ever.

Another, much weirder and concerning case are male authors, especially the young men, who have problems with writing male characters as protagonist. When you look at talented young men, they often prefer to use a female protagonist that's similarly to a man, but homosexual as the author cannot and doesn't want to write them loving men. There is a deep, deep problem with masculinity these days and young men don't know how to properly function in their roles, so they instead live vicariously through female lesbians as those are something they understand. You cannot do one step without walking into some lesbian shit, either in movies, books, comics or whatever. Everything is full of lesbians.

This will have dire social consequences somewhere down the line, I'm sure of it.

>> No.21414057 [View]
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First Law is decent Dark Fantasy, but not as amazing as it's hyped to be. But Abecrombie is a good addition to the genre, especially these days. His recent books weren't as good, though.

The Lies of Locke Lamore should be considered a genre classic, a wonderful combination of a charistmatic, lovable rouge MC and adventure in a reneissance inspired fantasy city. However, the second book falls off hard. Still decent, but nothing more. The third is a burning pile of garbage that makes the series retroactively worse, don't fucking touch it. Just read the first book and savour the memories.

And even if for some idiotic reason you decide to read all the books, you won't get a resolution anyway because the author fucked up enormously - He banged his fangirl(which is kinda based) which resulted in his marriage going to shit, and supposedly the following marriage with the fangirl didn't work out. So his mentally broken and hasn't been able to write another book for years.

Well, in comparison to Rothfuss he at least has good reason for why he can't write.

>> No.20708570 [View]
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I wonder what happened to the reviewer bro. He was supposed to read another book and then start Worm. He hasn't been there for what, three weeks now? I hope he will post again.

>> No.20633923 [View]
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>I assumed he was not attacking the book but mocking you for inappropriately wedging it in to every request for a recommendation.
Honestly, I might have recommended it a bit too often to people, but I am working from assumption that most people would enjoy TWI because it's simply a good story that they would enjoy, so in the overall picture it's not a loss for people to read it. But yeah, I probably should lean back a little, too much is too much.

>> No.20543986 [View]
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>Immaculate taste, anon
>Ever read Tsun-Tsun TzimTzum? It's a personal favourite of mine (book 2 and onwards specially)
I checked now and it's one of those I didn't read due to the reviews. If it's actually good, I'll add it to the reading list.

At this point I'm sure that Harem authors are just like romance writers, unable to write a book without the protagonist falling in love. Normally it just comes with the territory, but in Fostering Faust it was a bit grating as the protagonist is supposed to be cold, ruthless ex-CEO, but as soon as it gets to the good part of him exploiting the women, it starts turning into tsundere romance and him going all soft on the girls.

You know, I don't think men actually WANT to read stories when men exploit beautiful women sexually, ironically almost every erotic story written by a woman has the female protagonist being assaulted and liking it, or just forgiving the male love interest for forcing himself on her. Men writers? I'm convinced they don't want to write that, at all. It's women that want the rapey stuff, harem genre is all about soft guys being rewarded for being nice to women and 'not being like those assholes who disrespect them.' Every interaction where sex might be not fully consesual comes with million clauses explaining why the protagonist cares about the woman, or wouldn't do it if she wasn't onboard with it.

Recently, I've come to an poinion that those male protagonists who are written up as 'virtuous' are actually losers. Yes, it's obvious, you will say, they are intended to be losers most of the time. But listen, they aren't losers because they are weak, poor or have no power. They are weak because they resemble the mindset of the author or an average loser male, they would put up with anything a female does just to have a girlfriend or sex. There is no such thing as 'ugly' for them, there will be paragraphs upon paragraphs from the author how other men would throw away a pretty girl for X reason, but the mindset 'every girl is worth having' comes from deeply rooted craving for female company, man with such a minset is unable to understand why other man would decide to NOT be with a girl because to them just having one is extremely valuable, freedom of choice is something utterly alien to him.

>> No.20336675 [View]
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You know, at first I thought it will be that scene where a bene geserit gave a handjob to 9 year old(?) in front of an audience, to awaken his past as a general. Am I remembering that scene correctly? Like, don't have problem with weird sexual stuff in books, but there I was like: "Excuse, what the actual fuck? Why write it like that?" Things like that are why I laugh when people say Sci-Fi is better than Fantasy. It's just more hilarious, because people pretend it's more serious. Bullshit, Fantasy can and is more reflective and thoughtful than sci-fi a lot of time.

>> No.20269211 [View]
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>Write your own fetish
Once, a wise man said "Why write, if not to indulge your own fetishes?" That's my own motivation for writing, Beautiful, interesting people going on epic quests and striving for something bigger than themselves, while at the same time fucking each other's brains out.

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