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>> No.18217190 [View]
File: 53 KB, 374x262, wittgenstein__!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thread: >>18186269

General for personal knowledge management, personal knowledge bases, Zettelkasten, person wiki software, Obsidian, Roam, Tiddlywiki, &c.

Let's get some resources together to start off the next thread with, as well as some example Zettelkasten notes to compare.

>> No.16251257 [View]
File: 53 KB, 374x262, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mismatch aside, the stoics make an inadvertent division between virtue and control. Conquest of the self in service of rational judgment is not fundamentally different from conquest of the self in service of indulgence and pleasure. Control is not inherently virtuous; virtue is always tacked on after the fact. That's why I can never take the stoic defenders' claim that the stoa are not about suppression of emotion or disruption of communal restraint very seriously, when even Epictetus says it is the perfection of ascetic suppression and discipline that molds the stoic into his final form: the cynic. Once you become Diogenes shitting in the street, you've left all that behind.

>> No.16215346 [View]
File: 53 KB, 374x262, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I occupy a point of view in the world which has no neighbors

>Is it necessary that only one person ever have present experiences? Again, the natural thing to say is no. Egocentric presentism gives me conceptual resources to imagine being one sentient creature and then, later, being another sentient creature. So (recall Nagel's "fantasy of reincarnation without memory") I can imagine that, after a lifetime of oblivious egg consumption, I die a happy philosopher, then find myself in a cage eighteen inches tall by twelve inches wide, my beak clipped to its base. This need not involve imagining that CJH dies a happy philosopher and then becomes a battery chicken. It may only involve imagining that after CJH's death there are again present experiences, and they are the experiences of a battery chicken.

>Suppose a friend, Sally Smith, tells me that in her dream last night her father, Mr. Smith, asked her to marry him. Having read a little too much Freud, I've become jaded by this sort of thing. I think, "Well, yes, another predictable Freudian conceit slipping into our dream lives. When will all this stuff about the Elektra Complex finally fade away?" But when Sally adds: "But the funny thing is, in that dream I was my father." Now I perk up; this is something new.

>So the thought is that my horizon is "the" horizon, unique, in the sense that it is the preeminent, the all-inclusive horizon. Herein consists the "mineness" of my horizon: it is the horizon that includes all other horizons and therefore has no neighbors. My horizon stands alone. This is something we all know - each for himself. The aloneness is ours, something we live with. We all know, and hence believe, the truth in solipsism. We are all solipsists.

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