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>> No.12251262 [View]
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>what is Summorum Pontificum
>what is the annulation of SSPX bishops' excommunication in 2009

>muh statism is bad
READ KONINCK in order to understand the primacy of the Common Good.

I give advices on which books to read, but you only give me memetic answers with NO GROUND other than "I saw on tv that fascism is bad ew no to hard state ewwww how dare you be one, or you resort to Encyclicals you clearly don't understand (maybe you've not even read it ?).
I get that you want to be self-righteous and rigid in politics, but if you want to be serious, even in your critiques, you have to be a bit more truth-loving and aware of what was going on in Italy and Germany.
Which regimes are strictly forbidden to praise nowadays ?
The IIIrd Reich and Fascist Italy. Why, if they were so bad ?

About the "statism", see Aquinas on politics :
« every part is directed to the whole, as imperfect to perfect, wherefore every part is naturally for the sake of the whole. (...)
every individual person is compared to the whole community, as part to whole. »
(ST, IIa IIae, q.64 a2)
«the whole of man is directed as to his end to the whole of the community of which he is a part »
(ST, IIa IIae, q.65 a1)

« the highest among all human goods, (...) the common good, (...) is better and more divine than the good of one individual »
(Commentary on Aristotle's Politics)

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