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>> No.17024545 [View]
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Sure, that is an aspect. But what I'm getting at is that we're not talking just about a bunch of mindbroken trannies. This was dropped as a virtual virus and it eventually spread. It carriers now doing its bidding.
Sure, it may sound ridiculous (and God knows Google has all the info, incognito or not) but you know I'm right, deep down.
Obviously. Look at the commercials, the movies, the comics; everything is full of it. It's all part of the plan. Back in the day, I would rarely stumble on an IR video. Whatever, who cared back then, you just wanted to watch an ass get fucked. I've jerked off to Sara Jay for God's sake. But now it's a systematic manipulation of "taste" trying to pass itself off as an organic emergence.

As for women, the sad truth is that they're all like that. Every single one of them is a potential traitor. Even the ones you think have a good head on their shoulders, are traditional and whatnot, will still lack the courage to do anything but submit. It's why they always condemn any sort of talk that veers into the point of survival; they cannot handle even hypotheticals of hard choices. There are some exceptions to the rule, but by and large women are to be assumed traitors at all points in time. It's unironically both horrifying and liberating. The former because you know they'll leave you at the drop of a hat and offer themselves to the man grinding your skull. The latter because no matter what you do, as long as you win, you have them by the throat.
>being this oblivious
Well you are a "PoC" so what else could we expect...
And it's true. The problem is that we have no concrete evidence, so we cannot really convince anyone. All we look like are a bunch of autists too obsessed with niggerdicks.
You asked, that's my take.
Unironically it has some truth to it. By reading or consuming any piece of art, you're opening up yourself to someone's ideas. Said person is trying to persuade you into thinking exactly like them. If you're weak you get cucked and subscribe to a set ideology with no exceptions. You should resist, read a wide array of opinions and form your own personal belief. If you don't and say, end up becoming a DinduNaziboo, you've unironically been mentally cucked.
I grew up with the 00s porn full of incest. I don't have any lasting damage since I liked the cheating aspect more. Fucking you friend's mum and such. But it has gone away and given rise to other fetishes that are being pushed. It used to be the primary weapon, a way to ease you in. Now they've gone on the offensive.
I don't know the bird.
Exactly. A bit of an image here, a bit of a scenario there, and you're set. An idea is more powerful than a form.
This has some truth to it, but considering they push a very specific version of IR, there's more going on.

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