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>> No.9722931 [View]
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>> No.9479990 [View]
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>> No.9423181 [View]
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Everyone feels that way about something. Share your own.

Pic related is the most underwhelming 'classic' I've ever read. Prose never gripped me, story wasn't very compelling (inb4 >reading for the story), and absurdism is a fairly banal philosophy.

''ohh but *he* is actually le stranger, and his detachment highlights the hypocritical moralism of a society that condemns him for not buying into the narrative''. Been done before and to better effect. Read Dostoevsky if you want to see the human condition illuminated (stock answer perhaps, but as good as any.)

>> No.9393206 [View]
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>> No.9381717 [View]
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>> No.9013899 [View]
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Is there a more based character than Meursault? The ending just fucking blew my mind. He figured it all out at the end of the book and took the ultimate red pill, he realized that in the grand scheme of things nothing is really relevant and none of our choices really have any impact in the long run, why the fuck isn't this book mandatory in all schools?

>> No.8815342 [View]
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>> No.8687376 [View]
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>lol i killed an arab
>the sun was too hot

What the fuck was Merseult's problem?

>> No.8503675 [View]
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ITT: we put a book and others recommend a similar but more complex, sophisticated and compelling book

>> No.8457030 [View]
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What are people's thoughts on The Stranger? I just reread it and this particular part stuck out to me:

"When I was first imprisoned, the hardest thing was that my thoughts were still those of a free man. For example, I would suddenly have the urge to be on a beach and to walk down to the water. As I imagined the sound of the first waves under my feet, my body entering the water and the sense of relief it would give me, all of a sudden I would feel just how closed in I was by the walls of my cell. But that only lasted a few months. Afterwards my only thoughts were those of a prisoner. I waited for the daily walk, which I took in the courtyard, or for a visit from my lawyer. [....] Anyway, it was one of Maman's ideas, and she often repeated it, that after a while you could get used to anything"

I am depressed and spend a lot of time in my head thinking about what I could be doing, reading this made me realise should I stick to what's in my life in this moment? Should I look forward to the things I do in my life already, rather than dreaming of other things that seem unattainable? I understand Meursault was detached from everything but maybe in certain moments in life where we can't change our life, and thinking outside it is only detrimental to our mental health, it is an effective way of thinking?

>> No.8438370 [View]
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Is there a correct translation or do none of them matter?

>> No.7943525 [View]
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>> No.7529764 [View]
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>> No.7466638 [View]
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Was he autistic?

>> No.7433379 [View]
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Alright just finished reading this and i gotta say i did not understand the ending.

He shouts at the priest and have this monologue about his mother getting ready for her second life while she stayed at the old house. How he is ready for his second life.

Does he actually start to believe in afterlife at this point?

I really liked the book. Are there any other must read literature that deals with existential crisis?

>> No.7411523 [View]
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watching yourself be put to death unfairly is nothing new but remember that no one has to make the choice to do so unwilingly - free your self : the choice always remains yours ( and no not like the remains of Osiris that need the deity Isis you maniacs )

they broke a few kids out there in the desert but hopefully someone nice that is also kind can heal them up

>> No.7382060 [View]
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Your thoughts on this?

>> No.7323249 [View]
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ITT autistic protagonists

>> No.7313972 [View]
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Who was the better existentialist, Mersault or Rieux?

Mersault always seemed like a whiny bitch to me, especially when he yells at the chaplain at the end. He's like a little kid.

Whereas Dr. Rieux embodied the Sissphyian ideal of struggling against a meaningless situation.

>> No.7286603 [View]
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What do you think of my thesis statement?

In the novel The Stranger, Albert Camus uses the sun and stars as a symbol to chart Meursault’s initial apprehension and ultimate embracement of death because the nature of death is that it is looming over humanity, and its inevitable absurdity can either be accepted or rejected.

>> No.7253203 [View]
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Just finished this

So he basically killed the arab in "the heat of the moment"? Holy fuck what a piece of shit

>> No.7141285 [View]
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>> No.7110301 [View]
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What are some novels or books similar to The Stranger by Albert Camus?

This novel has been sort of an eye opener for me when it comes to the philosophical branch of existentialism. What are some other good reads that will push me deeper into this dark hole?
Few I currently have in mind

Nausea or Being & Nothingness by Sartre
Being and Time by Heidegger
Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard

>> No.7043197 [View]
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