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>> No.20141513 [View]
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>Tied up and blindfolded in cave
>Hate it, smells like goat shit and can't move at all. Pray for someone to save me
>When suddenly
>It's the deafening warcry of a M1841 Mountain Howitzer
>Could it be?
>Judge Holden fully nude and covered in blood has come to my rescue
>Men of God and men of war have strange affinities he says
>In awe at the dualism of the situation he has so effortlessly communicated. It takes all my strength to hold back my tears
>Jihadis charge at Holden, ululating with frightening zeal
>He blasts them to bits with the same finesse and ease with which he fucks underaged Mexican girls
>Begins fucking a 12 year old Iraqi girl to get this point across
>The dead Jihadis and I burst into thunderous applause
>Carries me out of the cave, chair and all, with his supple, veiny arms
>Somehow scalped each and every Jihadi (30+ in total) between him picking me up and leaving me outside of the cave, gives me one as a parting gift
>Before he leaves he says
>That man who sets himself the task of singling out the thread of order from the tapestry will by the decision alone have taken charge of the world and it is only by such taking charge that he will effect a way to dictate the terms of his own fate
>Saunters off into the sunset
I know some other anon already said Holden but fuck you I wanted to type this

>> No.20129524 [View]
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That war thing, it's pretty cool.

>> No.19438314 [View]
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>> No.19404319 [View]
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The meme will never die.

>> No.19403467 [View]
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The Joker (2019).

>> No.19264063 [View]
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>Women, children, niggers, I care little for their proclivities. If it breathes, I must kill it, for that is man's truest of crafts. I am judge.

>> No.18571168 [View]
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>> No.18033258 [View]
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Blood Meridian seems great but I'm really put off by how it's written, I'm ESL with what I think is a nice vocabulary but fuck I'm zoning out during some parts of the books, not only by the shitload of words I don't know but also by how long and drawn out the sentences are.
Also the fact that dialogs are almost blended with narration so I have trouble understanding who is talking to who or if it's just the 3rd person narration
Judge Holden seems like a kino character, I'll try to get back to it one day

>> No.17993413 [View]
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Please someone tell me, as directly after finishing this book I considered it one of the best I ever read, but now the ending is effing with me. Does the kid become one with the judge as they embrace, before killing the little girl in the outhouse? or is the kid killed by the judge? The second makes sense in that the judge believes to have ultimately failed him by having "clemency for the heathen"— that is, for pacifists, and how the judge seeks to control everything through understanding it and then destroy everything after he controls it. Also the "straight path or winding path" to the judge is representative of the path men take to death: the straight one being the violent one, but the winding one being that of one who is wary of violence, like the kid as an adult, who only serves as an escort for travellers and never rejoins the scalpers, etc. He chooses the winding path yet ends up at the judge (death) nevertheless. the reason why I believe the judge is playing the role of death at the end is that he is pale, naked and dancing and playing the fiddle, which is an obvious reference to the medieval depiction of the Danse Macabre, featuring death as a skeleton dancing and fiddling. Also the "dance" that is being referred to is the game or dance of life. The live is to dance this dance, but the rhythm and the beat are set by the time period and surroundings you are thrown into, then eventually it's time to leave the floor, while death dances on. The 'Blood meridian' is the apex of the violence of modern man, and the kid/the man is modern man himself. This is why it says at the start, the father is the son of the child. the more vicious man of the 1840s was the immature child who sired the mature more peaceful man of today, who dances the dance without remembering his violent past (decadent society). the story being a metaphor for the progress into civility and modernity is also backed up by the epiloque, where a man is digging holes for a fence and behind him people are gathering up the bones- the remnants of the past. BUUUT, McCarthy had connections to Jeffrey Epstein, child rape repeats a lot in his work, and who then was the third man pissing and warning the other two not to enter the jakes? Please discuss, I will comment more of my analysis if people participate.

>> No.16427791 [View]
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Since you asked, I'll say that the problem is the upper class of whom many but not all are Jews, not jewish people, of whom very few are upper class.

>> No.16416947 [View]
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I have masturbated to Jaiden fucking dogs several times and I'm not afraid to admit it.

>> No.15677742 [View]
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Kindness is a weakness and by showing these acts of kindness he puts himself at an uneccessary risk. Brown would have killed him if removing the arrrow didn't go well. Its the same attitude black Jackson had to white Jackson where he beheads the poor bastard by the fireplace. Its the way the Glanton gang operates.

But as some of you guys were getting to it shows Tobin's own lapsed belief. Tobin prioritises survival over his own faith now, believing it to be useless, or at least secondary, in this seemingly godforsaken land. "God will not love ye forever" is literally antithetical to Christian belief. God WILL love you forever, it never stops nor wavers. That's the whole point of an all-loving God. The scene illustrates Tobin's own abandonment of his faith and also the kid's own protection.

As whilst being almost completely ignorant of it the kid avoids danger and is protected by God multiple times. The scene with the burning tree for example provides shelter and relief from the "demons" of the desert.

Ironically however, I believe Tobin is right. God will not love the kid forever, in the sense that the kid cannot be ignorant of but also rely on that protection forever, and that is why he succumbs to the power of the judge by the last chapter.

>> No.15606116 [View]
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"The Four of Cups is an indifferent card showing a sense of apathy, boredom, and even disappointment."

>> No.15408559 [View]
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>Blood Meridian is winning
Nice, I was about to read that book next anyway. Do I have to join the discord or can I post in these threads? Where is most of the discussion happening?

>> No.15325959 [View]
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>> No.13044476 [View]
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>tfw beast mode

>> No.12842131 [DELETED]  [View]
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fuck indians, fuck mexicans and fuck niggers

>> No.12562072 [View]
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>Death means nothing
that's right though "I am resurrection and life. Anyone who believes in me shall live, even after dying. Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never die."

>> No.12421262 [View]
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Can you recommend me a book with lot of swearing, thanks.

>> No.12401109 [View]
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I'd like to be part of that trap for a while, at least if I got come boons like memory, had some control as to where and when I end up. Heaven can wait. Right now it's alright too, although I exist primarily inside my head, imagination, fantasy etc. so I feel like I'm one foot in the afterlife already.

>> No.12386869 [View]
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Decent reading. I think its relatively agreed upon that Holden is the embodiment of the violent aspects of American culture at that time. Expansionism, Manifest Destiny, etc. He is the personification of the underbelly of the Enlightenment. His quest for knowledge is sought purely so that he can dominate and destroy. On top of that McCarthy has obviously also taken many aspects of the satanic figure in western lit, theology and mythology and placed into the character of Holden. Hence the constant ideas that Holden is the devil. Aspects of Milton's satan, Mephistopheles, the popular Gnostic interpretation, etc. all make up his character giving him this otherworldly, satanic aura that the other characters, especially Tobin, sense.

The ending is obviously ambiguous which is why it is frustrating as anon said >>12383469
when the analysis boils down to 'hurr durr he raped the kid, the kid raped the girl" whatever. Its just a boring reading and detracts from the mystique McCarthy has cultivated into his characterisation of the Judge as well as the kid. Nothing necessarily incorrect from these readings, but would love to encourage the edgy teens and young adults to think a little deeper about the ending in relation to the whole book and the themes it embodies.

The book is very good with its symbols too. A lot of mysticism is placed in juxtaposition with the activities of the kid and the gang. The tarot scene is certainly an important one, as >>12384478 said. But pay attention to the role of Tobin as well as the kid's bible, animals, trees, the hermit, blood and bones and viscera. All carry a religious and hermetic invocation which can add a lot to your reading.

That however is no cheat sheet, and there is no hidden meaning that acts like a puzzle that you are able to figure out. The mystery of the novel's conclusion is imo one of the best things about it, so don't be disheartened if you finish the book and not everything makes sense or doesn't match with your interpretation of it. Anyway I hope this helps BM readers.

>> No.12202001 [View]
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>we must imagine the slave more powerful than the whip

sounds like some cuck shit

>> No.12018191 [View]
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> only to realize that salvation in God will lead them through their despair.

old men running back to God is rather sad and pathetic desu, how can you be such a brainlet your whole life
desu senpai I wonder how genuine they actually are

>> No.11974653 [View]
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