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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12304020 [View]
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>tfw had a few short stories published
>tfw had a few poems published just this year
>tfw even had a poem nominated for a Pushcart Prize by one of my publishers

But it's not enough. It's not enough for me. I need MORE. I crave after greatness. I won't rest until I tower over every single writer and poet that could be seen as a competitor to me. I have to be the greatest, I have to be the best. I simply won't tolerate anything else. I have to create works of such beauty that they set the entire world on fire. I have to baptize all the Earth in the Truth and the Goodness which God has given me. I can't settle for anything less than immortality.

Am I crazy for thinking like this? For demanding so much of myself and of the world?

>> No.10738963 [View]
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It's the allegory of the cave, the allegory of the sun, and the ideas about the Form of the Good. I read it as a freshman, 18 years old and coming from a public school background with a fairly half-baked Catholic upbringing. I'd never been introduced to anything like metaphysics or epistemology. Then, all of a sudden, Socrates starts to talk about the world beyond the world--the world above the world, the "real" world, of which the sensible world is only a shadow or an echo. It blew my mind. It was like I'd been a horse wearing blinders my whole life, and then the blinders were taken off, and the full field of my vision was open at last. I've never been the same.

>> No.10355366 [View]
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What should my reaction be to "encouraging" rejections from literary journals? I've received a few of them now. They wound up rejecting the stories I sent them, but said they had an interest in my writing (or something along those lines), and they invited me to submit again. I definitely have an interest in submitting again, but just how close am I to getting published by these guys?

>> No.10178848 [View]
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I'm burning out too op.
Starting to realize I can't even do most of my homework without working with classmates, I'm falling behind in everything. I may be forced to break up with my gf because she's completely emotionally dependent on me and I can't take the constant stress of trying to convince her not to kill herself every fucking day.
My first couple years I would spend a day or two working about six hours to be rewarded with the rest of my week to relax. Now that's eight hours put in to still feel like I'm drowning in work the next morning.
I barely eat or sleep. All I want to do anymore is sit down in a comfy chair with a coffee and read but it's an impossible dream.

>> No.10141211 [View]
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he killed a lot of people which is cool if you're still in high school

>> No.10090901 [View]
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There is no validity to the claim at all. It's inflammatory rhetoric designed to get outraged people to click on articles from retarded blogs and generate maximum pageviews and shares, as a solid 75% of all news nowadays is. Literally no one outside a small rabid block of fat chicks on tumblr will defend such a pants-on-head retarded statement honestly. It will get airtime and be discussed at length because the idea of it pisses off a significant portion of americans across demographics, which generates ad revenue better than anything else.

>> No.9943318 [View]
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>Puffy lifted his heavy gaze over the high school, stood up full of lust with just a Chicago bulls jersey and lifted his manhood, splurt-splurt, filling the high school ravines with a current of single mothers. He lifted his staff again, bringing bridal gifts to their best friends, and like a great wild bull he conquered them all and stood by as they all gave birth.

How's my prose

>> No.9613187 [View]
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>> No.9045600 [View]
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I really want to learn french, /lit/, please help. I'm monolingual but I've never attempted to actively learn a language to the point of fluency so I'm confused as to where to start.

please no memes

>> No.8919690 [View]
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>> No.8844625 [View]
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>> No.8792101 [View]
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Your favorite channels on YouTube for literature analysis?

>> No.8699731 [View]
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