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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14346140 [View]
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>tfw remember my guenonian phase

>> No.14344376 [View]
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>be me
>NEET in mid 20s
>parents ask for christmas gift ideas
>I say idk BAP's book or Otto Weininger's would be nice and think nothing of it since I don't consider either of them weird or fringe or anything thanks to all the other weird shit I've encountered on here and /x/
>today parents confront me, are very upset
>"anon, what is wrong with you why on earth would you ask us to buy you such books where did you learn about these people"
>am confused at first, forgot that normies live in normieland and BAP has a twitter timeline full of eugenics and anti-jew posts interspersed amongst very homoerotic pics of buff guys on beaches hiding their genitals behind coconuts
>and apparently the Amazon "customers who bought this also bought" section for Weininger's Sex and Character is full of Evola, Nick Land, and nazi occult books so my parents assume I'm a satanist fascist who hates women now (which is mostly true but that's not the point)
>sister starts screeching about how I'm a misogynist incel nazi who hates immigrants and mommy is on verge of tears
>"anon, after the holidays we're going to need to discuss your living arrangements"
Needless to say, Christmas is ruined for everyone and they're all blaming me. We'd just finished putting up decorations too and now my sister is running around trying to tear them down because she "doesn't want to celebrate christmas with a nazi".
I hate this place so so fucking much. I wouldn't even have known about either of those autists if you spergs hadn't meme'd them constantly

>> No.14338425 [View]
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fuck man i never realized writing was this hard

>> No.14330326 [View]
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>the dead spirits of those who had died

>> No.14140981 [View]
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>Well I do do that.
>do do
Can this shit language just die already?

>> No.14114613 [View]
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>can't understand Nabokov or McCarthy

>> No.14097853 [View]
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>The young officials laughed at and made fun of him, so far as their official wit permitted; told in his presence various stories concocted about him, and about his landlady, an old woman of seventy; declared that she beat him; asked when the wedding was to be; and strewed bits of paper over his head, calling them snow. But Akakiy Akakievitch answered not a word, any more than if there had been no one there besides himself. It even had no effect upon his work: amid all these annoyances he never made a single mistake in a letter. But if the joking became wholly unbearable, as when they jogged his hand and prevented his attending to his work, he would exclaim, "Leave me alone! Why do you insult me?" And there was something strange in the words and the voice in which they were uttered. There was in it something which moved to pity; so much that one young man, a new-comer, who, taking pattern by the others, had permitted himself to make sport of Akakiy, suddenly stopped short, as though all about him had undergone a transformation, and presented itself in a different aspect. Some unseen force repelled him from the comrades whose acquaintance he had made, on the supposition that they were well-bred and polite men. Long afterwards, in his gayest moments, there recurred to his mind the little official with the bald forehead, with his heart-rending words, "Leave me alone! Why do you insult me?" In these moving words, other words resounded --"I am thy brother." And the young man covered his face with his hand; and many a time afterwards, in the course of his life, shuddered at seeing how much inhumanity there is in man, how much savage coarseness is concealed beneath delicate, refined worldliness, and even, O God! in that man whom the world acknowledges as honourable and noble.

>> No.14073353 [View]
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>vulgar redditors who love Harry Potter

>> No.14014353 [View]
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>mfw people ranking Dosto haven't read Demons

>> No.14001313 [View]
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>> No.13958047 [View]
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>watch tv

>> No.13936095 [View]
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>pretentious econ major thinks what he was taught—neoclassical economics—is infallible and empirical

>> No.13908435 [View]
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Anybody have a good reading list or bibliography on post structuralism? The only one I can seem to find is on the Critical Theory subreddit.

>> No.13907866 [View]
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>mfw i went for an MBA and a CS degree
i want out

>> No.13769369 [View]
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>Finnegans Wake

>> No.13757707 [View]
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How do I get invested into a book? I am constantly looking at the page number, calculating how much I have to read in order to take a break or stop for the day. I read 50 pages a day, but always out of a sense of obligation, and not enjoyment.

>> No.13751726 [View]
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>mfw nobody mentioned Hannah Arendt yet

>> No.13640414 [View]
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I fucking hate Harry Potter so much. I just got home after a small house party where our host made us play Harry Potter trivia quiz and all the other guests agreed because they were vile bugmen. Even my girlfriend wanted to do that because she's read all those turgid books and watched the movies. Later on she got genuinely upset because I knew no answers besides the ones to 2-3 very simple questions. I knew that there was no point in reminding her that I'm only into literary fiction because I'd instantly get booed by those vulgar redditors.

This truly is the most horrid timeline.

>> No.13556847 [View]
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>He doesn't call OP a faggot

>> No.13547566 [View]
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>another thinly veiled general America hate thread
Rent free

>> No.13543796 [View]
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>that fourth last paragraph

>> No.13524815 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.13500391 [View]
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>Havent read Shapiro yet

>> No.13461649 [View]
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>As a nihlist myself, I just think of myself as a social animal

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