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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22303105 [View]
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Im currently reading the Warlord Chronicles Saga by Bernerd Cornwell. I am loving it so far, but I'm at the last book of the trilogy and I am hungry for more Arthurian books. Any suggestion? Also fantasy in general but not YA shit or too magick-y stuff

>> No.20009322 [View]
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What's your favorite Arthurian legend novel?

>> No.19236375 [View]
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I read something like that some time ago: "The consumerist man is always afraid of missing something."
Stop consuming media and start living anon.
Live, anon, liiiiive!

>> No.15376801 [View]
File: 280 KB, 780x1337, Charles_Ernest_Butler_-_King_Arthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is modern Arthurian lit so anti-Christian?

>> No.14326406 [View]
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Which are some good books on King Arthur, and general British folk lore?

>> No.13310452 [View]
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>be me
>want to read British history
>find out the beginning of British history is a struggle between Britain and Rome, and the land was supposedly colonized by Aeneas' grandson
>look into studying Roman history
>Rome was allegedly settled by Aeneas (a Trojan), and adopted Greek culture
>so in order to understand the founding of Britain I have to start with the Greeks, specifically Homer
Why does history have to be so dense

>> No.12795158 [View]
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>That sounds like those SJWs WHO complain about cultural appropiation if a white person decides to eat a taco.
Apples and oranges. Eating tacos in America hasn't replaced some fundamental Americana value. Syncretism, where you tell us not to worry to the extent it's happening because that is just how history rhymes and rolls, needs to be guarded against replacing the fundamental pillars of Western civilization. It is important to note that this syncretization is longer coming from other European cultures/ethnicities, with a common heritage of subjugation under the Roman Empire,, but from third worlders who are not are part of this time-spanning tradition. The future is heir to the past. These people do not share a common past with us other than us rape and pillaging them. Western values never took root in their psyches.

>> No.12764107 [View]
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NYC Meetup

Is it still happening this weekend like anon promised? I don't have any friends and really want to make some :(

>> No.12728156 [View]
File: 280 KB, 780x1337, Charles_Ernest_Butler_-_King_Arthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best version of King Arthur?
Once and future king? Something else?

>> No.12425625 [View]
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Reminder that anti-Christian garbage like Mists of Avalon and The Warlord Chronicles are not Arthurian. They are the complete opposite of what Arthurian stories are supposed to be. They belong in bonfires

>> No.11691101 [View]
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Hello /lit/ first time on the board.

I have been working on a story of mine that contain the arthurian legend, and celtic work, related to irish mythology, i intend to draw it in a comics style to go along with my story, and i have been noticing that everytime i begin to go deeper in the mythological aspect of the celt story and gods, and the Arthurian legend i would see very similar object or situation, and so i would like to ask you if any of you could give me a lead as to where i should look for finding story's about Ireland mythology and Arthurian one. But most importantly, if you are already invested in thoses two i'd like to ask you why do you like theses story's? What is it exactly that make Celtic or Arthurian legend so fascinating and fantastic? Thanks you for your help.

>> No.8945796 [View]
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Thank you also for your input.

Nice to see LLL and the Guy Kay mentioned twice, makes me more resolved to pick them up.

I find "flicking through" books before reading them only helpful in weeding out novels with shockingly bad prose. Otherwise I don't find myself able to discern much from a cursory glance.

>> No.8126444 [View]
File: 280 KB, 780x1337, Charles_Ernest_Butler_-_King_Arthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /lit/, sorry to ask, but I'm trying to remember the title of a book.

Its about King Arthur, and I know the opening lines are something along the lines of, "Not many kings would have began their rule by killing the children born on the first of May. But Arthur was no ordinary king."

I tried googling it, but I cant seem to find the book.

Also, general King Arthur thread if you guys wish to discuss it.

>> No.4572982 [DELETED]  [View]
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Ok /lit/ I'm trying to find a book I read in like fourth grade it was about King Arthur and how he spent time living as different animals in order to be a better king. I can't remember the title and I'd like to re-read it. Also books that got you hooked on reading in general

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