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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7532678 [View]
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Ah, gotcha.

>> No.7292698 [View]
File: 221 KB, 640x638, 1412889617214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The American public school system, in a nutshell:

>10th grade, "honors" English
>be me, perpetually late, total stoner, dozing, drawing, or reading through class
>assigned to group presentation on Lakota Woman by Mary Crow Dog
>woken up by groupmates day of presentation
>"are you ready? we're presenting today"
>oh shit
>"ok, just let me go first and do a generic intro thing."
>2nd period I think (still high)
>get up in front of class and improv this vague yet melodramatic halting spoken word garbage
>teacher has literal tears in her eyes
>grabs my hand after and delivers some hushed praise
>later that semester, I do a big independent project on the work of Carl Sandburg, analyzing select poems within the context of his life and American industry and agriculture of the 1920s
>work really hard on it, read a massive chunk of Sandburg's body of work (minus the Lincoln shit)
>get a D
>all I remember is my teacher handing it back to me in private and telling me how disappointed she was while offering no specific notes

I really wish I could dig up that essay today and read it. I still think it was pretty good.

>> No.6692976 [View]
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I remember a thread (maybe a few months ago) where OP asked for anons to write a passage like a particular author and for others to guess the author. One anon put his Wallacian endnotes in a bunch of other random threads. Shit was great. Anyone got a screencap?

>> No.6193652 [View]
File: 238 KB, 640x638, 1402077931061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many novels should i read before i write one?

I've probably read around 15 novels, and i'm guessing that's on the lower denominator.

>> No.5980916 [View]
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Right, but not nostalgia is only focused on the past. Mono no aware is not only focused on the past, it is about being ephemeral.

>> No.5128986 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hey guys.After coming here for a couple years now, I think that this summer has had the largest impact on my world view. The two biggest factors causing the change were taking acid for the first time, three doses, and reading The Fruits of the Earth by Gide.

I took the acid with the hope of becoming less cynical, but it did far more than that. And I read Gide after a recommendation from you guys to help deal with how drastically my perception has changed.

Since I know the majority of you are much more experienced and well read than I am, I wanted to know of any drug experiences that you have somewhat attached to a book.

TL;DR: Drug experiences that you can connect to a book

>> No.5009055 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Be alone at a bar
>Drinking alone like a true patrician
>Observing the drunken plebeians unable to handle their inebriation, speaking to each other irrationally, and shallowly about generic political subjects
>One of them happens to be a somewhat of a lady from a foreign country - i am thoroughly disgusted by their mannerism towards her
>She becomes sick of the drunk plebs and turns around to speak to me
>She´s from Lithuania and appears to be quite the material for a wife
>We engage in small talk
>From the look of her eyes she seems infatuated by by ability to converse in English
>In the midst of a stimulating conversation she mentions she has "an offshore boyfriend"
>Minutes later abandons the premises
>She´s 27 and i´m 21

I don´t give a shit /lit/, i want a grown woman; i´m sick of these undeveloped, unsure youthful women of my generation; they disgust me in a way.

Shes seemed perfect for me.

Didn´t get her number, but she did mention where she worked.

She appeared shy and reluctant to go any further with me, because of her supposed loyalty to her boyfriend, i would guess.

What do /lit/? I found a good woman for me, but seems like she´s afraid to get to know me any better because she want´s to stay loyal to her current, probably pleb/beta of a boyfriend..

>> No.4979694 [View]
File: 238 KB, 640x638, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you say start with the greeks. which pieces do I read?

and what should I read after that?

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