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>> No.11103304 [View]
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sounds like you’ve got a shitload to read these days. you must feel like your head is coming apart. it’s a feeling i can relate to.

your reading list is ambitious as fuck. but there really is no other way to figure this stuff out, is there, except to cram this shit into our brains the old-fashioned way. we’re born just slightly too early for some matrix/posthuman technologies to make this all simpler for us.

i wish you the best of luck as always sir in playing that glass bead game. it feels like there’s too many beads sometimes, and not enough game…or maybe too few beads, and too much game?

>i've been bothered recently of the association of perennialism and traditionalism with far-right ideology. is religion inherently reactionary? i feel most religionist tendencies are somehow ur-fascist as eco might say.

i feel the same way on all of this. the question, i guess, is whether or not religious stuff is a brake on fascism or an enabler of it. consider the bhagavad gita - it was gandhi’s favorite book and himmler’s too. that’s a riddle. whatever its higher meaning is, it encompasses both of these poles.
>nah fuck that. gandhi > himmler and it’s not close.

i wish for that new religion too. i mean what is the appeal of 40k? Catholic Space Nazis. having an evil bug-swarm to smash immediately makes all the little things that divide people suddenly vanish. alan moore knew this conclusion also. when there’s a Greater Evil it’s a lot more easy to build human solidarity being part of the Lesser Evil. and isn’t this the problem today? people want to be on the side of the Greater Good but scapegoating is always required.

soft deleuzianism is probably a happy resting state. land is a warning and not a model to be followed. like nietzsche, he charts the depths and finds monsters down there. we can’t be surprised by this. but only hope that we find something better.

you’ve got tons of stuff going on as always my man. the glass bead game continues. you were right when you said this before, i think. it is about that. it’s about finding the harmonious arrangement, the music between the spheres. no one sphere alone will ever suffice. we always want more and more. but i think it’s that weird, mysterious, beautiful, abstract relationship among those points cosmic that makes it all worthwhile. no? there has to be something beautiful in all of this or there’s just no point.


well lads that is an ungodly wall of textfaggery. i am mildly ashamed of having written that much but i guess it had to happen. this stuff belongs in an essay and not as walls of text on Veeky Forums, but…well. whatever. tonight i have drunk deeply of the cup of shitposting and feel mildly sick of myself now, to be honest. but cheers to all ITT as usual, bless the greatest board on the internet. thanks for letting me vent.

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