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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21408373 [View]
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Time to get back to reading and to pick up anything, really.
Much obliged, anon(s).

>> No.19604593 [View]
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>> No.18448367 [View]
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>blatant /pol/ thread

>> No.18399914 [View]
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I am working on a new note-taking, knowledge management, spaced repetition, brain training, machine learning text summarization, data extraction program that will basically grab knowledge from all over the world and directly inject it in my veins. I am the future and you are the past.

>> No.18312678 [View]
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I have bought 70 books since January 2021 so far. I think I have a problem.

>> No.18287573 [View]
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The Celts sacked Rome. Got to delenda est that shit. Read a fucking book /lit/

>> No.18038381 [View]
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oh boy the npc has a quest!

>> No.18035068 [View]
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Atheism is kinda cringe, but it's been a while since we've done a proper raid, so tallyho lads! Our fight is doomed from the start, but let this not deter us, today we launch a mission to show these heathens God's warmth, may His light guide us and may His hand strike down our enemies!

>> No.17959958 [View]
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Are there any books on historical transgenders? I’m not really interested in propaganda or anything, just historical records and stuff.

>> No.17713867 [View]
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finally a good chart
Any Lockean state of nature anons in this thread? I don't get why you think the way you do. Can someone explain? Seems very naïve IMO to think that humans were all just super chill and that there weren't people who, because of natural jealousy or anger or even mental illness would not make life into Rust or some internet zombie survival game where everyone is an asshole.

>> No.17677323 [View]
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I'm a married man, and I post frogs.
Do not mistake everyone else for yourself.

>> No.17537905 [View]
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>if you weren't gaslighted by Trump in 2015 you're not from 4chan[nel]

>> No.17500906 [View]
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>ethics and technology class, professor is philosophy bro though and loves rambling about whatever
>have to watch video of women discussing #metoo, a female journaæist afraid of being killed for going against the government etc
>discuss the similarities or ethical dilemmas of whistle blowing, whether it be metoo or expose corruption in government
>I don't give a fuck and am usually the one leading breakout room conversation
>decide to share a provocative observation and show my pseudness
>"It's interesting to me, how this #metoo scandal is actually showing the relationship between men and women to be complicated when it comes to working together. I mean, I could imagine some Imam use all the harassment scandals as an example of how we westerners pretend to be civilized, but our dirty men go around groping all the women. And then advocate for women wearing headscarves etc, to avoid tempting these men, and that Islam is a faith that values and protects their women, instead of sexually assaulting them like we do."
>6 females in room are completely silent
>the only other male student chimes in " uuuhhhhh, I don't feel confident enough in this to comment... "
>tell them it was an amusing observation and thought, nothing more
>room slowly starts talking about whistle blowing and continue as if I didn't say anything
>mfw still unsure if I am peak pseud, or if people just thought it was off topic

>> No.17378649 [View]
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ITT we pretend to argue about an ideology and philosopher/s that don't exist.

Frens Edition.

>> No.17363250 [View]
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Well then eating me would be gay anon

>> No.17353332 [View]
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Furie actually did a documentary about how he tried to get the ADL to delist Pepe as a hate symbol. They wouldn't do it.

>> No.16501400 [View]
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>> No.16461741 [View]
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define Intelligent

>> No.16378408 [View]
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>hey isn't this the website where I get to be as racist as I want?
Only if you have something interesting to share with your frens

>> No.16131502 [View]
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Good to know the barrier to entry for discussion on the literature board is not reading, but watching 5 minute YouTube videos.
He didn’t “hate” the Stoics, he just disagreed with them in part 1 of BG&E. I believe later in the book he even refers to the free spirits and “us last of the Stoics”.

>> No.15490528 [View]
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Why can’t you just read and come to a more nuisances conclusion then you’ll ever get here?

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