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>> No.21869438 [View]
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Jesus is God
So uhh yeah, God doesn't junt "look" like a man, He literally is a man.

>> No.19805664 [View]
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46 While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. 47 Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.”

48 He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 49 Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

>> No.17914165 [View]
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Very extensive, far too extensive to describe in full here. However,

Christianity had 12 Apostles with first-hand knowledge of Jesus, 11 of whom maintained He was divine under horrific torture to death. There were likewise hundreds of eyewitnesses to Jesus' resurrection, with many - such as Paul - having a complete personality 180, going from killing Christians to spreading their message. Widespread accounts of miracles, evangelisation across multiple countries, etc.

Mohammed never claims to be the son of God as Christ did. Mohammed, Islam teaches, received his divine knowledge from a spirit while in a cave. It's worth noting that Mohammed himself believed the spirit to be a demon, and the spirit did not tell him otherwise, as biblical angels did when mortals were afraid. Upon returning home, Mohammed's wife persuaded him the spirit was not a demon, but was divine, and so he decided to spread the message.

Islam is much more 'human' than Christianity, and suggests to me a human source. Christ's message of love was truly radical for its time. Scores of Christians were persecuted, yet they turned the other cheek, did not fight back, and the religion flourished around the world. Although there were later crusades, these were largely a response to unchecked Islamic aggression. Because Islam doesn't preach nonviolence; it is, ultimately, a religion of conquest, and the Quran does not have the delineation of old and new testaments that Christianity has, so comparisons of Islamic Jihad doctrines with OT records falls apart in context. To conquer and gain wealth and power is very human; to suffer on the cross, to suffer in love, is divine.

Lastly, their conceptions of the afterlife truly highlight this human/divine discrepancy. Christianity teaches that in the afterlife we will be perfected, be granted the Beatific vision, and gain new celestial bodies in which to inhabit a new earth. We will be like angels, who do not marry; we will become the perfect version of ourselves. This is the 'telos' that Aristotle speaks of. In this way we will love and worship God forever, in union with God, which is the highest end we can attain. Islam, on the other hand, promises men 72 virgins and lots of food and drink. Which seems the more human picture? Which seems the more divine?

There is much, much more than this - at best this is a dramatic oversimplification - and there are whole books on comparative religion which do a much better job than I can here, which I recommend if you are still interested.

>> No.17364310 [View]
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There is no religious artifacts compatible to Bible. And if you spread borders to include works of Church Fathers, oh man, there is no life enough to consume it.

Should mention that I've also been very impressed by Bhagavadgita.

>> No.16477483 [View]
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>> No.16312145 [View]
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Does God want to prevent evil? No? Then God is not good

False. Also imagine having the audacity to think you can judge God who by definition has infinite knowledge. Humans don't even know what sleep is or how anaesthetic properly works let alone vastly complex metaphysical systems of suffering, faith and sacrifice instituted by the actual creator of existence. We were never meant to, either. If you come by true Faith then you simply know that you cannot think on the same level as God. I have no doubt that He exists and I sincerely believe in Him, but part of faith is knowing that we don't have all the answers.

To make this a bit more productive, can I direct you to a former Pope's theories on the problem of pain:

And also the concept of Redemptive Suffering, which is a fascinating topic in Theology and also lends a distinct perspective to suffering as a means of salvation:

Read those two, OP, and see how you feel.

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