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>> No.23252479 [View]
File: 73 KB, 727x404, dumb graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you seem to underestimate the sheer vastness of deep time. If a civilization grew 1% every billion years until star formation stops(1-100 trillion years) it would increase 20 000-10^432 fold in that time. The selective pressures for expansionist genes/cultures/ideas are near inevitably going to lead to life or silicon niggers using every single resource available in their local universe. Every civ knows this to be almost a rule of law and where it doesn't apply are irrelevant to those civs. Someone's going to want that hydrogen at some point even though it's stupidly unlikely that someone would have use for it now. A casket only openable after 150 years filled with ton of gold is worth a shitload of money even today despite it being unlikely that the owner is going to even live that long. You don't hoard and expand for the immediate benefit but for the far future, since if you're going to sleep on it someone's going to want to claim it(if there's anyone else in the supercluster), or it gets wasted through fusion.
There's a load of problems with the dark forest making it completely unrealistic and retarded* but more from a practical standpoint. The motivations aren't that poorly founded and fearing other civilizations is more than warranted. I can't think of a reason to strive for peerhood instead of peaceful subjugation unless the most unlikeliest case of very similar technological capacity and cost of war(which isn't a stable configuration). A war/invasion only happens when technological gap is small enough that the lesser civilization has capacity of either fucking you over with some schemes or that they can succesfully escape, expand and fuck you up, and you're absolutely desperate. Also practicalities such as short enough distance etc etc.
*no stealth in space we've been observable for the past 4 billion years galaxy wide with near current tech, rarity of intelligent life, non trivial techonological gaps make war dumb compared to in system surveilance with firepower.
TL;DR all ayylmaos are greedy, and a danger to each other in a way completely different from our nations yet dark forest is dumb.

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