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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23038423 [View]
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Hitting the mark, and faster than ever before. On the third I clocked my 1k words in an hour and three minutes, a personal best by a wide margin.
I'm doing what I can to avoid saggy middle syndrome, although there's a lot I'd like to show off. I'm interested to see what I'll include and what I'll end up leaving in the notes.

I opened a separate LibreOffice doc titled "Outline" and wrote my outline in it (although it's maybe 2/3 done), scene-by-scene.

If you tie your posts to your real name or penname, then if you do well, I suppose it would be a way to build up a following. After I wrap up this draft (In late March/early April hopefully), I'll likely make a new Reddit account with my planned pen-name and churn out short stories for a while, in between doing more worldbuilding and outlining my next planned novel.

Don't strawman the position that you disagree with in real life. Do your best to steel-man the opposing argument, and understand your own position, to create an engaging, thought-provoking debate, rather than boringly owning the imagined libs (or cons, if you're on the left)

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