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>> No.23081498 [View]
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Cringe. Conrad never gets to the point while Melville dances around the point in a beautiful, spectacular fashion

>> No.22433731 [View]
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exactly correct and this exact thing has been said by many great authors like C.S. Lewis - "when I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up". and another, I guess he thought strongly about this - "to be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence".
back in highschool I thought most people my age were achieving this but throughout college I had to watch my friends in my group chat completely regress from this adult mindset back into adolescence. I never expected to be called childish for liking something past age 17 yet around age 23 the mindset came back and now it's infected the whole of western society. my entire friend group and basically everyone else went from being confident adults to literally cosplaying as boomers. when your nerdy friend group starts caring more about what kinds of cognac they have in their Balsa wood liquor cabinet and spending $300 on buying and framing a map of the state they live in than they care about all the hobbies and media they once loved then it starts to get really weird.
the reason why these days are so concerned about looking adult is the root of this issue you're describing OP. they don't feel "correct" at their age so they massively overcompensate in order to desperately try and make themselves look not childish out of fear of being judged the same way they judge others for liking the childish things that they once did. and all the while they complain about feeling empty and unfulfilled in life (true story).

>> No.22340635 [View]
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>> No.22094188 [View]
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>Frenchmen have to read Germans in manga form

>> No.21698501 [View]
File: 59 KB, 704x659, 1628980477099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh I think about that every week.
I know it's literally just a dream to think one day I'd be famous enough to have to care about this, but I've already made a full clean up of sites where I've used my main email or used my signature nickname. Like, deleting all my accounts from porn sites and other places I wouldn't want my name to be associated with.
I can't help feeling like I've missed something important and that they could pull it out from my browser history ten years later and end my life.
I know it's silly, but I like to dream about being THAT famous one day.

>> No.20310265 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 59 KB, 704x659, brainageunderwhelming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man dont make fun of brain age. in a world full of vidya design to make you an addict, nintendo with Brain Age is really trying to make something good for your future kids to spend their time playing.
>pic related are those who do not hold gme
>seriously after all this time how the fuck are people NOT holding even just one GME right now?

>> No.20131404 [View]
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Should I watch the LotR movies before reading the books? Will it help?
I've read the Hobbit and it was good, now I'm 1/3 into the first LotR book but it feels SO damn slow, and so much description is unnecessary.
Am I getting filtered? Will watching the movies make me more interested?

>> No.17989631 [View]
File: 59 KB, 704x659, 1598889866369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overly simplistic summary of one character's plot

yep...that's the point

>> No.17834797 [View]
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So this is the power of "rational" anti-natalism.

>> No.17754210 [View]
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>unironically being filtered by a desert tribe of sheep-herding Judeans and conned into worshipping Moloch

>> No.17575385 [View]
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>viable secular explanations for objective morality

>> No.17522290 [View]
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>if i dont read their response it means i'm right

>> No.16833482 [View]
File: 59 KB, 704x659, CCECC382-012A-4E26-84BC-FD130F09F0CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australia is an enriched low culture. They are peasants and proles turned loose without masters. Out of all the former Brit colonies, they and NZ are the most beholden to their mother country. Their flags demonstrate that they have no cultures of their own. They’re like the Chilean ant colony that traders shipped to Russia and Japan on banana boats. They’re a cultural bottleneck, just brits in a scrubland.

>> No.16571514 [View]
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>Famous communist theorist Lev Davidovich Bronstein the devout Christian

>> No.16377929 [View]
File: 59 KB, 704x659, 80857796-C00A-420B-A776-87202F5C6663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Projecting your Subconscious feelings in reply to two shitposts.
Oh brother...

>> No.16266368 [View]
File: 59 KB, 704x659, 1598889866369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the funniest, most publicized COPE in history?
>our whole civilization is going straight down the shitter, we squandered so much, but the real empire was the religion we made up along the way

>> No.16256585 [View]
File: 59 KB, 704x659, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how embarrassing

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