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>I want to understand to what degree Christianity has impacted my psyche and my actions, my sense of good-evil and to compare and contrast with how the pagans Greeks saw the world, THEIR sense of good-evil (if there even was such dialectical distinction in their time). I want to become more Greek and less Abrahamic, if that makes sense

>Notes On The Death Of God

>Greek religion is not the same as Greek mythology, which is concerned with traditional tales, though the two are closely interlinked. Curiously, for a people so religiously minded, the Greeks had no word for religion itself; the nearest terms were eusebeia (“piety”) and threskeia (“cult”).

>1998-03-24 NSPRS 092 - Plotinus on The One, The Good pt 1
>Greeks developed Spirituality; you are still in this World; It is not a religious system.
>Christians demanded Belief.

>Coping With Tragedy with Pierre Grimes
>Every tragedy has the elements of our own spiritual growth"
>Tragedy from a Greek viewpoint, is a natural consecuence of experiencing injustice; the ocnsecuence of experiencing injustice is Anger.

>Greek Philosophy and Early Christianity with Pierre Grimes

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