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>> No.22548594 [View]
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>Please kill me
kek what is this book

>> No.22135306 [View]
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1200 words down today

>> No.20884214 [View]
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>implying I was joking

>> No.13619894 [View]
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Thanks so much my friend. I really just don't want to be a shitty therapist.

I know I should of put more thought into this but my values completely shifted within a short time period. It's been an odd adjustment. I'm going later this week to see if I can switch to psychology but it might set me back a year and I've already taken long enough to get through school. I'm saving your comment in a word document, thanks again I really appreciate it.

>> No.13591651 [View]
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Figure out what you want from future relationships. Do you want a spouse, do you want a friend group?

>and feel desperate need to interact anyway
Then let's start fixing this my friend. Start small, don't put up barriers to prevent you from starting either. Approach this strategically and if you're a regimented person then go ahead and plan this out.

Think of some hobbies you might enjoy that are social, research them, see what would carry over to your new location. Photography groups, lifting groups, a sport maybe. Then make the jump.
>I'm also out of practice
Only one way to fix that my friend, get back in there. It's going to be difficult at first but you will get better (in fact it sounds like you're not starting from zero at all based off your comments about college).

Be smart, start small, set goals, take action my friend. If you find it hard to talk to strangers maybe try talking to old people about the weather, if you have a hard time talking to the sex you're interested in talk to them more platonic and move up. I genuinely believe in you anon.

>> No.13369387 [View]
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Also getting good sleep (eight hours at normal sleeping hours, not falling to sleep at 4am) and a healthy diet (not missing vitamin D and essential fats) are extremely important. I would also highly recommend lifting because it encourages you too get other aspects of your life in order and will give you confidence when you see work you've put in pay off.

Obviously this is a lot to take in and focus on so start with what you can handle and build yourself up. Write your goals down, brush teeth everyday for a week, join gym, talk to nice strangers at a coffee shop about weather etc.
As far as conversations go, social skills can be learned and you absolutely can get better. Also I guarantee you are more interesting then 90% of people with decent social skills. Treat this like anything else you want to be good at.

You're gonna make it, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.13286760 [View]
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Incredibly based, you were the perfect anon for me to talk to today.

>> No.12692307 [View]
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Start with small goals.

You need to balance between recognizing your flaws and also loving yourself once you start fixing your flaws.
The absolute truth is your capable of an incredible amount, which hurts to hear. Write down some problems you want to fix, come up with a long term plan. Then come up with some short term plans as well.

As far as women goes, going to the gym will help. You will physically feel better.
The mental benefit that you will get out of going to the gym will be the most beneficial, you'll probably get that after a couple of months and seeing some results.
Make sure you dress well and buy your own clothes.
Talk to people about mundane things, slowly build up a tolerance for conversation. Then talk to women about mundane things and slowly work your way up. Eventually try flirting and being playful in conversation.

I believe in you anon, you need to believe in you.

>> No.12328218 [View]
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perfect, thanks anon. have a great week :)

>> No.12288352 [View]
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thanks anon you answered my question, have a great night friend. i really appreciate it

>> No.12286095 [View]
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it's not that you can't make huge sweeping life changes anon, you might be an incredibly strong person who can handle things like that. strategically, small goals and building up your tolerance would be a good start in my opinion.

you sound motivated though friend. We're all gonna make it!

>> No.11383224 [View]
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Holy old copypasta

>> No.11376365 [View]
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>mfw a 'classical liberal' is unironically suggesting to nationalize Youtube and shit

>> No.11344033 [View]
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>mfw my uni is better than my rival uni

>> No.11310130 [View]
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>A New Yorker is a true Pacifican
Now this is damage control.

>> No.11301490 [View]
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>there are people who think obama is a leftist
WEW LADS. If you meant Peterson's shit being compatible to just DNC voters then yea sure, but let's not pretend they are leftists.

>> No.11293120 [View]
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>make claims
>have no proof but insults
And somehow I am the troll. That was my earnest attempt to discuss with you, but you just revealed yourself to be the troll

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