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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22159457 [View]
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>On June 13, 2023, Cormac McCarthy was found in his house in Santa Fe, Mexico. He was 89 years old. An autopsy revealed that McCarthy had died of an overdose of heroin and grape Mad Dog 20/20, a combination called a Milwaukee Compromise. The lethal combination caused enormous gas pressure to build up in the intestines, blocked by years of heroin and Mad Dog poop, nearly 11 lbs coroners estimate. The stinky poop blockage forced noxious gas to blow out McCarthy’s ears like steam whistles. When McCarthy blocked his ears the fart steam rushed into his lungs and tasted like fart poop so bad he coughed his eyeballs out of his head. When he saw his scary popped out eyeballs he laughed so hard that it gave him a heart attack, and he died. Upon death the 11 lbs of heroin and Mad Dog poop slid out of his butt onto the floor, the heroin and Mad Dog poop ball was roughly the size and shape of a baby. The coroner’s report claims “it stunk real bad”.

>> No.21980894 [View]
File: 701 KB, 1200x1800, mccarthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hell ain't half full. We still got lot's them niggers round.
>There ain't a dog that has fury like a latino bitch with sagging tits to match.
>The tenebrous schizophrenic dark that smelled faintly as if someone retarded did a fresh piss.
I can't believe this sexist, racist, ableist shitlord is a McArthur Genius Grantee when his work is so obviously made on the backs of marginalised folx. Now they're going to make another extended McCarthy universe movie? We should boycott him.

>> No.21784281 [View]
File: 701 KB, 1200x1800, Cormac_McCarthy_(Child_of_God_author_portrait_-_high-res).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This guy, I can't figure out he gets away with it, he basically writes King James English, I mean, he practically uses Old English thou's and thine's and it comes off absolutely beautifully and unmannered and ungratuitous.
—David Foster Wallace on Cormac McCarthy

>> No.21573286 [View]
File: 701 KB, 1200x1800, Cormac_McCarthy_(Child_of_God_author_portrait_-_high-res).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else think his books read like movies? I used to like him but the more I read, the more I feel he's just an action packed, QUOTABLE dialogue jammed redditor.

>> No.21283294 [View]
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>says Nigger over a thousand times per book
>considered a Master of Linguistics (honorary degree)

How did this come to be? He is like a villain of racism that won

>> No.21272217 [View]
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>says Nigger over a thousand times per book
>considered a Master of Linguistics (honorary degree)

How did this come to be? He is like a villain of racism that won

>> No.21214902 [View]
File: 701 KB, 1200x1800, 1200px-Cormac_McCarthy_(Child_of_God_author_portrait_-_high-res).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God is war.

>> No.21209460 [View]
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-Another big thing I noticed was that this work seemed to be a culmination of McCarthy's previous works, both narratively and stylistically. The prose of the opening passage felt like something out of Suttree or Blood Meridian, while many of the scenes with The Thalidomide Kid and Alice felt like they could have come from some of his plays. And of course the sparse, straight to the point writing that he uses in The Road is prevalent throughout Bobby's chapters.
Many of the interactions Bobby has with his bohemian circle in Knoxville also reminds me of Suttree's misadventures in the same city and certain interactions--such as his meeting with the old woman at the beach towards the end--seem reminiscent of scenes in earlier books. In this case, the man finding the dead Mexican woman at the end of Blood Meridian.

>> No.20373279 [View]
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>While living in the French Quarter in New Orleans, McCarthy was expelled from a $40-a-month room for failing to pay his rent.
>According to DeLisle, the couple lived in "total poverty", bathing in a lake. DeLisle claimed, "Someone would call up and offer him $2,000 to come speak at a university about his books. And he would tell them that everything he had to say was there on the page. So we would eat beans for another week.
>Some have even suggested it is the Great American Novel.[35] Time included it on their 2005 list of the 100 best English-language books published since 1923.[36] At the time, McCarthy was living in a stone cottage behind an El Paso shopping center, which he described as "barely habitable".
How did he do it?

>> No.20265308 [View]
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>> No.20192205 [View]
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>> No.20147014 [View]
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>McCarthy uses punctuation sparsely, even replacing most commas with "and" to create polysyndetons;[61] it has been called "the most important word in McCarthy's lexicon".[2] He told Oprah Winfrey that he prefers "simple declarative sentences" and that he uses capital letters, periods, an occasional comma, or a colon for setting off a list, but never semicolons.[note 4][62] He does not use quotation marks for dialogue and believes there is no reason to "blot the page up with weird little marks"

Based or just lazy?

>> No.19974912 [View]
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>"After marrying fellow student Lee Holleman in 1961, McCarthy "moved to a shack with no heat and running water in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains outside of Knoxville". There the couple had a son, Cullen, in 1962. When writer James Agee's childhood home was being demolished in Knoxville that year, McCarthy used the site's bricks to build fireplaces inside his Sevier County shack. While Lee cared for the baby and tended to the chores of the house, Cormac asked her to get a day job so he could focus on his novel writing. Dismayed with the situation, she moved to Wyoming, where she filed for divorce and landed her first job teaching"

>"He had finished the novel while working part-time at an auto-parts warehouse in Chicago and submitted the manuscript "blindly" to Albert Erskine of Random House. Erskine continued to edit McCarthy's work for the next 20 years."

>"While living in the French Quarter in New Orleans, McCarthy was expelled from a $40-a-month room for failing to pay his rent. When he traveled the country, McCarthy always carried a 100-watt bulb in his bag so he could read at night, no matter where he was sleeping."

Can writers like Cormac McCarthy actually exist these days?

It feels like the rise of house prices, the wage deflation, the job market, the anti-white crusade and the nature of the publishing industry have really limited the opportunity for a young buck to live this kind of lifestyle and still hope to be published some day and earn a decent living from it.

>> No.19834698 [View]
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Will we ever see the likes of Cormac McCarthy again?

I'm serious. Guys who worked part-time and focused on their writing and reading in the hope it may pay off some time down the line, seem to be a dwindling minority. We already know objectively that the majority of new writers today are women and that more and more non-whites are being promoted for reasons of diversity etc (a rapidly decreasing white population also makes it hyper competitive among whites to be the one they pick to publish).

With house prices, rents, wage deflation, gender relations etc being the way they are, I can't see how a writer like McCarthy, or a Kerouac, Steinbeck, Faulkner, Frost, Melville (i.e. writers who essentially NEETed or worked minimal hours for many years) can exist knowing as they do that by doing that they are today essentially condemning themselves to poverty and to obscurity either way. I don't mean to suggest that financial ambitions were or should be considered as primary motivations in writing, but it sure helps to know that if you do publish something that it may lead to a decent income (if only short-term), and potentially teaching positions etc.

>> No.19817788 [View]
File: 702 KB, 1200x1800, cormac mccarthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what McCarthy book should I read first (never read any of his books)?

>> No.19640727 [DELETED]  [View]
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McCarthy is a Rightwing author right?

>> No.19531064 [View]
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>> No.19305828 [View]
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Why isn't his stuff genre fiction?

>> No.19120601 [View]
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Who should win the Nobel Prize in literature this year? 8 days to go.

>> No.19007342 [View]
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Are there any good biographies of Cormac Mccarthy? It doesn't even have to be a book just a long article or something of the sort.

>> No.18756946 [View]
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Oh that’s an easy one

>> No.18696207 [View]
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Why is he a writer that attracts many teenage pseuds? Road, No Country, and Blood Meridian are good but now it seems that its just the favorite book of every teen trying to prove themselves as an intellectual

>> No.18680813 [View]
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Why do Americans overrate him so much? He is just a genre fiction Faulkner.

>> No.18560630 [View]
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Coetzee and Pynchon too.
Once they die the game is over though.

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