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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21874553 [View]
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Amazon owns Abebooks?

>> No.13054955 [View]
File: 76 KB, 480x454, 1499832480384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm running out of good indie published stuff to read. Please help. I don't know what I might do if I completely run out of things to read. Halp plz.

>> No.12907011 [View]
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>Non of the /sffg/ regulars I secretly monitor on Goodreads picked it up last month.
>the /sffg/ regulars I secretly monitor on Goodreads

>> No.12622629 [View]
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>isekai web novels
I'm not that desperate for books that I would turn to Japanese webnovels. I would probably read western webnovels that were turned into ebooks/audiobooks, but not Japanese cartoon logics. Anime all go the same way even though you hope this one would be different.

>> No.11693014 [View]
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>> No.11332676 [View]
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>thrall in december.
How do you know? Are you one of his patreons? Does he release chapters there? Can you.. zip and upload them somewhere?

>> No.11017568 [View]
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time is the only thing of value, isn't it

>> No.10904512 [View]
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>and a weird fucking story about hearing a child scream, sneaking into the apartment to find the kid tied to a chair and then the kid is swearing at Kurosawa to fuck off

>> No.10725243 [View]
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Reading this thread has made me extremely conscious of using it

>> No.10417751 [View]
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>podium is generally really good
So you're saying I can use their catalog to find new books?

>> No.9987814 [View]
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>If anything it proves you're the dino.
non..nonsense t-take that back

>> No.9874511 [View]
File: 76 KB, 480x454, o shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to Barnes & Noble
>look for a copy of Lolita
>find it
>nervously bring it to the checkout section and hand the book to the cashier
>"Oh, Lolita? Hmmm...can I see some ID please?"
>"Huh? Wh-why?"
>"Oh no big deal, there's just an uh, age restriction on this book."
>"Oh, okay, I mean...I'm 27..."
>take out my ID and show it to her
>she uses some thing to scan it briefly
>another employee walks up to her
>the cashier whispers "I'm gonna add him to the list" (I don't think she realized I heard her)
>finally she gives me back my ID and rings up the book
>"Okay, that will be $26.99"
>pay for the book, take it and leave
>on the way home I swear there was a black car tailing me until a certain street

>> No.9823854 [View]
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>shill is actually getting through to me
Stop that

>> No.9813010 [View]
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>tfw that was the first book I read at the beginning of this year and I barely remember anything about it besides Yosarein not wanting to be in the war and Milo being a psycho capitalist bastard

there were like 50 characters how am I supposed to remember them all???

>> No.9745341 [View]
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>read book
>forget entire book

>> No.9218406 [View]
File: 76 KB, 480x454, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I am writing the most important book of the 21st century and don't want to die before it's published

>> No.9155919 [DELETED]  [View]
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>graduated from university almost 2 years ago
>for three years I've wasted all of my free time on internet browsing
>for at least 3 times a week in the past 1.5 years I've had junk food and told myself it was the last time and believed myself
>same as above but with coffee

How do I start working really hard and avoid eating junk? My procrastination has been immense. Is the answer really just, "Just do it"? How do other people do it?

It seems like everyone lives an easy life compared to me. Either they're a female, chad, or some generic normie who is accepted by everyone and has a support structure. I am ugly and have bad social skills and no social life so I will never have any sort of support structure.

I always feel so paranoid and frustrated because there are ten trillion books / subjects people say you have to learn or else you're stupid. "You can't read anything without reading 1000 pages of boring as fuck Plato, enjoying it, and then wanking over how incredible it was and how smart we are for loving him!"

Now replace reading / Plato with programming / (SICP, lisp) or reading / (tonnes of stuff). Not only do I get annoyed by this, I can clearly see that they're talking shit, yet I still feel constantly cucked because I haven't read that book etc.

>> No.9129413 [View]
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When did you realise that the ideal of being well read was a harmful meme propagated by the academia-media-publishing industrial complex?

"Good peon... Focus on the barely disguised narcissistic memoirs of some dead person... Books are mind enriching... Consume more books... Never mind that the information age has made a mockery of information's value as a commodity among people... You're just so curious about the world and such a voracious reader, aren't you, peasant...

That psychologist's new 400 page book based on lab experiments and that could be summarised in 5 pages has been read by most people at your local cafe! Imagine the embarrassment if they find out you haven't read it... You're right, enjoyment is an immature state... That continental philosopher has such profound and non trivial insights about our society, it seems like you now have another 12 books on your "must read" list in order to be well read... Don't forget the conservative tradition, that's another 20 books you must read... No, don't ask any meta-questions or ask whether they work within self referential citation ring systems with unfalsifiable theories and trivial insights; bad peasant! Your dinner party guests would be shocked to hear that!

This 1200 page post-modern masterpiece references 500 works that you must also read before you die... No, don't fall asleep while reading it! The cover quote calls it, "Frequently hilarious!" Maybe you haven't read enough to fully appreciate it?"

>> No.9124664 [View]
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What is the recurring life philosophy that will always let me know what to do without feeling guilty and will lead me to happiness and success?

I just feel guilty non stop that I could be doing something better with my time.

>> No.9100612 [View]
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How do you reconcile your intuitions and personal tastes with the crushing weight of pressure due to everyone telling you to enjoy long and boring as fuck books or stupid topics (stuff like China, Psychology, the education system etc.) that people claim are important?

I feel constantly guilty. I fully trust my intuitions (while not ignoring when they're proven wrong). But the pressure is relentless. "Read these 50 boring as fuck Dickens and Russian books! Now say you enjoyed them! Now read this stupid non-fiction New York Times Bestselling book by that stupid journalist! Now pretend all of that is profound!"

I feel like I'm ready to say fuck it and ignore all stupid criticism.

>> No.9092544 [View]
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>start brothers Karamazov
>it's pretty boring
>hundreds of pages left

>really liked notes from the underground
>thought C&p was ok the first time but gave up on it a second time after 100 pages due to boredom

Now what? Read the whole thing to gain patrician cred or stop reading because it's boring?

>> No.9052715 [View]
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What's the best philosophy for living day to day?

If I focus on many things I will get less done. If I focus on few things I will possibly get more done but cuck myself in the process.

If I give up on boring books then I enjoy life more, save a lot of time and i think I'm snart enough to judge things. If I read boring books then I know more, I can get my pseud cred.

If I schedule my time I may get more done but I cuck myself hard. If I don't schedule my time then advertising and distractions will crush my time and I'd have to be deluded to think otherwise.

And so on. I just feel guilty non stop, as if I'm not doing something important and doing things the wrong way. There's a smartass piece if wisdom telling you to do anything.
Currently I lean towards the non cuck non structured side of things, with a strong use of my bullshit detector (giving up on books and things I find boring) but it feels like drifting and playing the lottery. On the other hand I can avoid reading 1000s of pages of continental philosophy or Russian and Victorian novels and pretending they're profound.

>> No.9040246 [View]
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QUICK, you have ten seconds to prove that you're not a bildungsphilister!

>> No.9021294 [View]
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How do I stop feeling guilty about not working non stop? Apart from things all humans do plus going to the gym, I feel guilty about any of my habits. And I have no goals.

I want to read books but I feel guilty about reading a set number of pages a day. I am worried about being called a pleb for not reading ten trillion boring Western canon novels. I feel like an ADD pleb for rarely reading more than 60 pages at a time. I hate that I'm more likely to put a book down at the end of a chapter.

Similarly for working. I know I could always be working to become better off. I know that people who talk about taking breaks are just lying to themselves. I feel bad for not having the willpower necessary to work non stop on one thing for 10 hours. If I work on one thing then I miss the big picture. If I work on many things I am a dilettante who doesn't achieve anything.

And the funny thing is that I'm a Stirnerite. When you stay unspooked then everyone else's belief system feels like a personal attack. Fuck these people who say that X is so important. X is always working hard / enjoying yourself / focusing on one thing / focusing on many things / reading history / classics / philosophy / other shit.

The awful thing is that I know everyone else is a fraud. That NFL player who everyone loves and says is hardworking has never read a book. That mathematics professor known as a genius is a disgusting dyel. That literary figure who goes on about Shakespeare being a god doesn't know any maths or science greater than an 18 year old yet claims to be worldly. That billionaire who goes on about humanity's big issues does nothing but write checks for people who make social media apps.

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