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>> No.19583833 [View]
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Why are you expecting science to answer philosophical problems? Pic related already answered the remaining questions in philosophy related to consciousness. You read the wrong books.

>> No.19325464 [DELETED]  [View]
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>science and poetry aren't opposites
Any other philosophers that explore this notion?

>> No.18170572 [View]
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>The reabsorption of semen by the blood is the strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than any other factor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of all forces toward the overcoming of resistances, the thirst for contradiction and resistance. The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and hermits (for example, among the Brahmans).

>[...] the Christian [...] is, in fact, only a kind of Epicurean, and, with his "faith makes blessed," follows the principle of hedonism as far as possible, far beyond any intellectual integrity...

>> No.18127573 [View]
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Was he a physicalist?
I know he thought metaphysics was life denying but does he ever go into any amount of detail about his own beliefs?

>> No.17946338 [View]
File: 172 KB, 750x819, Nietzsche187a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grade A retard
>But since he's part of the curriculum for 1st year philosophy students in most of the world, 99% of people worship him as a messiah
Doesn't help that they interpret his philosophy as "lol I can do whatever I want with my life and HATERS DON'T HATE".

>> No.17738976 [View]
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>I have forgotten my umbrella
What did he mean by this?

>> No.16931643 [View]
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It hit me today. He's really the end. Look at what followed: nothing but deranged psychologists and fraudulent philosophers infatuated with linguistics and prepositional logic. No one has been able to take up the reins he dropped when he died. It's all been pseudo-philosophy and thinly disguised political agitation for 120 years running

Philosophy is dead, and Fritz has killed it

>> No.16003259 [View]
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>Whom do I hate most heartily among the rabbles of today? The rabble of Socialists, the apostles to the Chandala, who undermine the workingman’s instincts, his pleasure, his feeling of contentment with his petty existence—who make him envious and teach him revenge.... Wrong never lies in unequal rights; it lies in the assertion of “equal” rights.... What is bad? But I have already answered: all that proceeds from weakness, from envy, from revenge.—The anarchist and the Christian have the same ancestry....

>> No.15876409 [View]
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>There are truths which are best recognized by mediocre heads, because they are most appropriate for them; there are truths which have charm and seductive power only for mediocre minds: - at this very point we are pushed back onto this perhaps unpleasant proposition, since the time the spirit of respectable but mediocre Englishmen - I cite Darwin, John Stuart Mill, and Herbert Spencer - has succeeded in gaining pre-eminence in the middle regions of European taste.15 In fact, who could doubt how useful it is that such spirits rule for a while? It would be a mistake to think that highly cultivated spirits who fly off to great distances would be particularly skilful at establishing many small, common facts, collecting them, and pushing to a conclusion: - they are, by contrast, as exceptional men, from the very start in no advantageous position vis-à-vis the "rules." And finally, they have more to do than merely to have knowledge - for they have to be something new, to mean something new, to present new values! The gap between know and can is perhaps greater as well as more mysterious than people think. It's possible the man who can act in the grand style, the creating man, will have to be a man who does not know; whereas, on the other hand, for scientific discoveries of the sort Darwin made a certain narrowness, aridity, and diligent carefulness, in short, something English, may not make a bad disposition. Finally we should not forget that the English with their profoundly average quality have already once brought about a collective depression of the European spirit. What people call "modern ideas" or "the ideas of the eighteenth century" or even "French ideas" - in other words, what the German spirit has risen against with a deep disgust - were English in origin. There's no doubt of that. The French have been only apes and actors of these ideas, their best soldiers, as well, and at the same time unfortunately their first and most complete victims. For with the damnable Anglomania of "modern ideas" the âme française [French soul] has finally become so thin and emaciated that nowadays we remember almost with disbelief its sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, its profoundly passionate power, its resourceful nobility. But with our teeth we must hang on to the following principle of historical fairness and defend it against the appearance of the moment: European noblesse - in feeling, in taste, in customs, in short, the word taken in every higher sense - is the work and invention of France; European nastiness, the plebeian quality of modern ideas, the work of England.

Beyond Good and Evil 253

Has England killed European civilisation?

>> No.14730145 [View]
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Joke's on you, I cheated and immediately jumped to the end of philosophy.

>> No.14713356 [View]
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>> No.14705583 [View]
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would you say he became more or less attractive with age? I'd say more.

>> No.14485334 [View]
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Who are Nietzsches of Eastern religions?

>> No.14001603 [View]
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Outta my way, loser

>> No.13898350 [View]
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Least original philosopher of all time coming through.

>> No.13777549 [View]
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Ok I'll admit, he was spot-on in that the death of religion was decisive for the rise of nihilism, but what was his solution?

>> No.13622949 [View]
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There is a compensation for the spiritual flattening of one people, namely, the spiritual deepening of another people.

>> No.13350214 [View]
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>That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

>There are no facts, only interpretations.

>He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

>One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.

>You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
What an absolute faggot holy shit lmao

>> No.12935136 [View]
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Why would he had disagreed with the mass murder of ill constituted people?

>> No.12345750 [View]
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Posted this on r9k but didn't stir much debate.
Is r9k an example of slave morality. Are normies actually "noble"?

>> No.12249442 [View]
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How do you imagine he would affect the world around him, and in what way? How'd he rise to prominence? How would he run the world, or wouldn't he?
>Inb4 brainlet
I know this is all interpretation bullshit

>> No.12221662 [View]
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Are there any contemporary thinkers that say something this guy didnt say before like 100 or so years before them?
Everytime I try to read contemporary philosophy I find pseuds saying the same things this guy was saying but in an overly academic slang.

>> No.11643188 [View]
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Yeah, back where I come from we say Y.A.L.A. before we do stupid stuff cuz we know we're not wasting any time in this life. But then they invented karma to make us feel bad.

>> No.11104324 [View]
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this guy

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