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>> No.21321355 [View]
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That's a good question. There was this idea I have about "normies" and "intellectuals". "Normie" is usually associated with opposition to intelligence, or lack thereof. So then why the most appraised and revered "intellectuals" at least in questions about life are basically all coming to the same conclusions that the ultimate state of being is being a normie. Being a normie is having minimal concern of anything that is not the present moment. Be embraced in emotion and feeling, if for good or bad.

Many of these "conclusions" arrived through elaborate labyrinthitis of logic and supposed reason, yet there are countless examples when some "country" folk ask about the purpose of life, they give the same answers only in one sentence.

To me it almost seems like the public image of "intellectualism" is reversed in meaning and attribution. It's the normies that are actually intellectual", which would mean that they are the ones who truly grasped the question about life itself, which is usually an intellectual endeavor.

There is this thing called intuition, again, usually attributed to intelligence. So my case is that normies are superior in intuition, therefore they almost initially arrived at the answer to "all big questions that intellectuals lose their sleep over", while supposed intellectuals are nothing more than unfortunate normies who weren't blessed with superior intuition, so now they have to build their whole personalities around this "mystery" of life only for them to be consumed by it and it became not a quest for answers, but a selfish indulgence in egotistical satisfaction of supposed superiority over those who long passed, moved on and embraced the existence that they were been thrown into.

>> No.21310615 [View]
File: 36 KB, 784x645, 1646032224828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to keep my plants alive
This is Gary. He has esoteric commercial agriculture insights for your home gardening SANDY LOAM -- what's sold to consumers as potting soil is compost -- compost that will inevitably rot out your plants roots and be susceptible to over watering. e.g. if you have orchids, never ever do the ice cube thing; this evil was designed to kill you plant eventually Look into UV lamps for your plants.

(and this is the Gary of aquaculture)

U2 stay cozy fren

>> No.19342531 [View]
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hampy november

>> No.19302761 [View]
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>> No.19250474 [View]
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I love women so much it's unreal. They're beautiful goddesses who deserve worship.

>> No.14255516 [View]
File: 36 KB, 784x645, apu turkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you are invited to my thanksgiving. I like deleuze and, am too, on /lit/ on thanksgiving

>> No.12822120 [View]
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Marx is pro-production, consumerism accelerates production. Not sure where this meme that marxists are dirty hippies that want to reduce production came from.

>> No.12800868 [View]
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>Ruling is hard.
>just be gifted some dragons and be a sassy 14yo girl lol

>> No.12797959 [View]
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i love these threads so much. my only home on here :) but sadly i may be leaving this scene altogether soon, and if that's the case i just want to tell you that i appreciate your wholesome contributions here, and would like to one last time tell you:

goodnight fren :)

>> No.12788742 [View]
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it implies that the person accused of cope is too emotionally weak to approach the subject in an intellectually honest manner, it also points towards some of the insecurities that may be causing that weakness

>> No.12777960 [View]
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restriction of form is the only path towards true freedom and originality

>> No.12764537 [View]
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awwww so cute anon, made me smile. made me sad at first, because i thought it would be genuine racism, but the twist made it so much better :) fren

also can you frens tell me how to make frens in the outside world? most people don't really seem too frenly to me, so i'm basically a loner. also do you think we're dysfunctional for embodying these childlike modes? or are we pure at heart, and it's good to be that way?

>> No.12743702 [View]
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i feel like apu so much...is that okay? i just want to be so cute and play with birdy and other animals

>> No.12722157 [View]
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frens is it okay to still be child-like inside? if i still want to play with my childhood toys? and make forts from blankets and pillows? and if i want a mommygf to come into the fort with me, and for me to hug her from below her, looking up at her? and want her to give me a bedtime, and to take us places on the weekends? am i dysfunctional? but what if it's not LARPing, and i really want all this? what if it's just my normal psyche? is there something wrong with that? :(

when i try and be like an adult, it feels fake and i feel bad, i feel like i'm just playing a part, and doing so depresses me :(

>> No.12699349 [View]
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i've done this but never had success

ty fren. is it ok if i legitimately still feel like a child inside, and the apu posts on this site to be where i feel most myself? is it bad to be an adult male with a child's psyche? is it something women will be repulsed by me for? would some of them still love me even with such a complex?

>> No.12529443 [View]
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no im sincere and not putting on a larp

thas not me

yeah i was just telling the other anon to express himself bc i saw many times now that he said he has femininity in himself which he wants to express

personally i dont know what autogynephialia is, or what TERFs are or these other terms on /lgbt/, and im not a closet tranny. But i recently became a bit upset at being born a boy without dominant masculine traits and thought maybe i should deidentify with being a boy which i want to forget about rigbht now and instead create an alter ego that's female that i identify with and maybe write journal entries from the POV of? as a writing exercise and also to help me to forget my real identity as a depressed boy, so i choose something radically different to me like that of a girl. does that make me AGP? im not trans and dont want to be a girl. but i just want to forget about my true worldly identity for some time because its too depressing to remember what a failure i am in my life. want to escape into a new persona. preferably female so that its farther from my real world identity, which is a boy, and also bc im very saddened with girls right now bc all the anons tell me that my fantasy girlfriend who loves me the way i write about is just that, a fantasy, and will never come true. so im sad bc of it

>> No.12457166 [View]
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My diary desu

>> No.12328267 [View]
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>> No.12294175 [View]
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>Cr*pitalism" as he calls it

>> No.12276283 [View]
File: 36 KB, 784x645, 1521932760945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any books where the protagonist is essentially Apu Apustaja on all levels except physical?

>> No.12214416 [View]
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>> No.11876026 [View]
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What are the tell tale sings of a rookie writer? What are the most common crutches of the perennial amateur? What are some ways to avoid falling in to these traps?

>> No.11783583 [View]
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>mfw mummy read me Aesops fables when I was a kid

>> No.11389884 [View]
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i wanted too post that

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