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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14019398 [View]
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>also the people at the bottom are only there because they deserve to be there in accordance with their actions in their past life
>its your fault you're poor

>> No.13767124 [View]
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>Koch brothers are the good guys, they give more money to the arts

Deliberate PR move to improve their image: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/01/25/new-koch

Funding anti-public transportation efforts across the country: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/19/climate/koch-brothers-public-transit.html

Koch Industries subsidiary poisoning Arkansas town: https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/a-whistle-blower-accuses-the-kochs-of-poisoning-an-arkansas-town

Koch Industries awful workplace health & safety record: https://www.propublica.org/article/rising-profits-rising-injuries-the-safety-crisis-at-koch-industries-Georgia-Pacific

Supporting Evangelical anti-abortion and homophobic groups and pro-war group:

Primary movers and shakers in climate change denial: https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/kochland-examines-how-the-koch-brothers-made-their-fortune-and-the-influence-it-bought

Attempting to smear journalists who report on them: https://www.democracynow.org/2016/1/20/how_the_kochs_tried_and_failed

And I haven't even touched on their curious connections with the far right, you dig into their history and you find that in the 1960s & 70s they were supporting Segregationists and Holocaust Deniers.
Today they support 'racial realist' Charles Murray, TPUSA, Daily Wire, etc

>> No.13365079 [View]
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>So we decide we’re going to feed him, which I am an expert at, because my son, the one who said no all the time he is the most stubborn little cuss you could possibly imagine and one time when he was about nine months old he got ahold of this spoon and it was like he was not going to be fed anymore. So that’s fine good you feed yourself. But no, kids, eh? They’re too damn curious and playful really to feed themselves so you sit them in a high chair and you know they fling the food onto the floor because that’s pretty cool and they can watch that over and over you know or they mess around with it or maybe they, you know, put some in mom’s hair because that’s interesting too and they have two or three bites and then they’re not ravenous and then they’re much more interested in playing, and that’s fine except that if the kid doesn’t eat then it gets crabby and you know whiny and miserable and then it disturbs the mother or the father and then it won’t sleep at night it’s like that’s no good. So after about three days of that I took the spoon back from him and he was not happy about that man. Trying to get that little kid to eat once I got the spoon it was like a four hour battle. It was really remarkable. So I have a lot of respect for his ability just to withstand stubbornness you know but I’d learned by that time as a parent that like if you want to discipline your child, there’s an attitude that you have to take which is I am going to win this. It’s like I don’t care how stubborn you are I am GOING TO WIN! And because I know I’m going to win I am not going to get angry. I’m just going to out-stubborn you, so I take up some food and put it in front of him he’d go like this [winces] so that was a good trick and so I tried to get the food in there and his teeth were gritted so I’d poke him poke poke poke poke and after about ten pokes he’d get annoyed and go agh and I’d put the food in and he tried to spit it out so I’d hold it in. So then that was like three minutes you know and then we did it with another spoonful and you know after about I’d say an hour of this my wife had to leave because just you know she couldn’t handle it. And about an hour after this he decided that you know it was ok and that he would let me feed him, but like it was brutal, and it was amazing I mean little kids are so damn tough you know they’re really cute and everything and but they’re so tough you just can’t believe it so anyways. So… we had this kid at the table and he was not going to eat so my wife, who had learned these tricks by this time, decided to feed him.

>> No.13051039 [View]
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>“I’m the author of 16 books, masterpieces all; they precede all my future masterpieces. These books will leave you reamed, steamed and dry-cleaned, tie-dyed, swept to the side, true-blued, tattooed and bah fongooed. These are books for the whole fuckin’ family, if the name of your family is Manson.”

>> No.12021992 [View]
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>muh both sides

>> No.11598510 [View]
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>Did you ever stop and ask yourself who benefits from everyone being a hormonal basket-case? Who would ever want or desire such as thing?
>That's right you guessed it, the Jews!

>> No.10847595 [View]
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>caring how many jewish stars the profanum vulgus gives to a work of literature


>> No.9042687 [View]
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>if you disagree with me you're pushing an agenda

>> No.8987607 [View]
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>America does nothing wrong, Corporations are working with our best interests at heart, and Israel is defending itself by kicking people out of their homes and land sending Settlers in

>> No.8350755 [View]
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Why pretend to follow a rhyming meter and then use enjambments

>> No.8297559 [View]
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>criticises his own country which he has a duty to first for overthrowing governments, opposing democracy, funding proxy wars, bombing countries
>dude srsly stop being a regressive leftist moralising blaming america! you need to see the real enemy that is marxist islamism

What we have here is the classic Statist for whom there can be no legitimate criticism and all attention must be focused on the actions of others not one self

>> No.8250013 [View]
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>read a book that is popular with many other people
>dislike its subject matter and themes
>discover that the writer is a.... g-g-girl!
>how the hell can a book I dislike and written by a roastie be popular?
>I know! Its a liberal conspiracy perpetrated by the SJWs to force their views onto society

What is the process by which one draws such conclusions?

>> No.8247470 [View]
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>read a book
>dislike the themes and subject matter
>decide that the book is popular despite my disagreement with it because of a vast liberal conspiracy

What is the process by which one comes to this conclusion?

>> No.6474803 [View]
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>yfw you say things like this
mate give it up there is no liberal/left/'SJW' agenda, and the puppies are rightwing crackpots

>> No.6372526 [DELETED]  [View]
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I have spent several days on different Science Fiction message boards debating the sad puppy supporters

They have no evidence to back up their claims of a conspiracy.
I ask and the response is just more empty claims of plots that become more peripheral to Science Fiction literature.

They cannot cite examples of works being pushed by any sort of agenda.
This request is simply met with silence.

They are quite paranoid, and racist, and sexist.
That shouldn't be a surprise as the chief architect of this Thomas Beale is a Christian Dominionist who is on record calling an African American author a savage and not a member of the species homo sapiens sapiens, and advocated throwing acid in the faces of women among many other things.

>> No.6313234 [View]
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>USA bombs Cambodia, killing thousands, causes society to break down, causing thousands more to die, paving the way for the Khmer Rouge to seize power
>The Khmer Rouge kill thousands
>The West goes apeshit crying for the Cambodians
>At the same time Indonesia invades East Timor and kills thousands, Indonesia is only able to do this thanks to American arms and support
>The West is Silent
>Chomsky points out what we did first in Cambodia
>Chomsky compares the Khmer Rouge, which we cant do anything about, to Indonesia which we are directly responsible for
>oh my god chomsky stop denying stop blaming western imperialism why do you support genocide chomsky
Ask yourself why these claims you read and now parrot didn't have any citations or quotes

>> No.6222064 [View]
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all the 19th century literature you love was originally published in serialized form, written as it went and being shaped by audience response to it

>yfw you realise each and every chapter of your 19th century tomes is basically a sequel

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